by Deif
Hello! New additions to the Beatmap Nomination Group are always an interesting topic amongst the modding and mapping community, mostly because that is generally a synonym for more qualified mapsets in the next days. Be sure to check out the results!
New osu!standard nominators have been added: After correcting all the tests, we finally have the official results of the users that passed. Please give a warm welcome to Lasse, Spaghetti, Stjpa, Len, Ayyri, Kagetsu, Cryptic, Strategas, Electoz, Kencho, Xexxar, ezek, sahuang, Zero__wind, Pentori and MrSergio! Also do not forget to say 'Hi!' to pishifat and Sieg, who has rejoined the group. There were a total number of 17 candidates that managed to reach the required pass threshold, although not all of them have accepted the invitations to join the nominators yet. Expect more people to join the Beatmap Nomination Group in the next days!
Test results of the nominators who participated are also out: From the 21 nominators that participated in the test, 13 of them showed that they improved since the last months and managed to successfully pass it! The nominators that failed the test or declined to participate have been removed from the group already. Nevertheless, we would like to see you active again in the near future, and we would also like to thank you for your participation in the beatmap ranking process in the past months!
Further changes in the Ranking Criteria have been discussed recently: Especially in the area of osu!standard, where the responsible members were centering their attention to the lower difficulties of a mapset. As an example, there will be clear instructions on how to handle overlapping structures, eventually mild jumps and short sliders.
Some more interesting questions were posted in our blog in the past few days. Do not hesitate posting more of your concerns or questions here!
That would be all from us for this week. Keep using the “Ask us anything!” feature of this blog if you have some more questions about our activity. We will be looking forward to answer them!