by Nyquill
As the saying goes, the news never sleeps! It looks like our game was noticed by a certain legendary video game developer, and we have some new content for you coming from various fronts of the game! Need help catching up with the things going on around the game? You've come to the right place.
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Ever wondered what the full process of making an osu!taiko beatmap looked like? Have a look at the first of the new content coming to our osu!academy channel: a time lapse of a the full taiko mapping process, featuring chromoxx. In the ever growing osu! mapping community, there are also now more than ever players who want to try their hands at creating community content. Hopefully, our work will be able to help you guys ease into the process!
We've been noticed by the amazing Keiichi Yano! It's no small honor to be not only acknowledged by one of the leading minds of games like Elite Beat Agents, but also appreciated to such a great degree! In the past, we've often been asked what the creators of the games that osu are based on would think about us. To a degree, we now have an answer to that question!
Source: [Polygon](
Our first ever official remix contest is now live! For a full set of details on how to enter, be sure to read the actual post for more information! Personally, I'm very excited to see what kinds of things you guys whip up with nekodex's stems, as well as who will be entering!
It looks like a fierce battle is going on for second place in global performance in osu! standard! While I say "fierce", it is truly unknown what fearsome power the current third place player holds. For now, Rafis has made an astounding Hidden Doubletime FC on Kibbleru's TRUE- DREAM SOLISTER. This is also his new personal best in terms of performance rating, as well as earned him his first 700 PP score.
In other game modes, our players are out and about setting the bar high as well! In osu!catch, Dusk's Hard Rock full combo on koliron's DystopiaGround - AugoEidEs allowed him to overtake ExGon as #1 in the mode! As for our friends in Taiko, asuasu_yura, a member of the winning Japanese team in the recently concluded osu!taiko World Cup 2016, showed off his impressive endurance by achieving a Hidden full combo on Raiden's Spawn of Possession - Apparition. The total length of the beatmap spans a head spinning 8 minutes and 18 seconds!
It looks like I've ran out of stories yet again, so we must end here another issue of the osu!weekly. You can help us with content! Simply send us an email at and I'll include your submissions in our wonderful publication. Once again, a big thanks to -KousakaHonoka- for helping me out with letting me know exceptional player achievements from around the community. Until next time!