18 May 2016
osu!weekly #61
by Nyquill

osu!weekly #61

by Nyquill

Our game is now closer than ever to finally going open source! Our next official tournament is just around the corner, and we welcome back a contest which totally does not have anything to do with our little poll from a while back. Look no further for the latest news from around osu!

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Flyte has a new design drop for us on his blog! It would appear for some reason we have around 36000 online players at this point in time. However, with the game going open source, for some reason this number doesn't seem all that unrealistic!

Actually, I'd be a little worried about that build propagation as well...

Whether or not you have caught wind of it already, osu! is now taking its first final steps towards being open-source! As a result, we are now trialing some early-bird contributors to contribute to the new and definitely sharper than the cutting-edge "lazer" build. If you want to apply before the rest of the community get to whack away at the code, be sure to check out the post on peppy's blog!

Was that the sound of someone running a slider back in on itself? It wouldn't surprise me if it was, because the Aspire Mapping Contest is back! The single difficulty, winner takes all, no holds barred mapping contest is once again available for everyone to participate in. Think you have what it takes to make something that really stands out amongst the best the osu! community has to offer? Check out the official post for details on how to enter!

The osu!catch World Cup of 2016 is now ready to begin! With the live drawings concluded and the map pools released, we are all set for the biggest CTB tournament all year round. For details on both of those final cornerstones of the tournament, please check out the wiki page for information!

The Indonesian osu!mania community is getting ready to host a tournament of their own! The osu!mania indonesia cup #2 is a flag-limited tournament that follows upon the success of the first such iteration of the tournament. The deadline to register is May 22nd, so head on over if you want to sign up!

It would seem this week was a crazy week for new records and scores (and 1st place holders)! -KousakaHonoka- is with us for what is possibly the largest player achievement section yet.

  • Dusk, who has just carved his name into osu!catch history by taking #1 in the game mode, is now part of the 12k pp club with a Hard Rock full combo on Reol - Asymmetry (Crystal's Overdose).
  • The current first place holder in Taiko _yu68 has also been active, completing an insane Hidden SS on Nwolf's Camellia as "Bang Riot" - Blastix Riotz [WereOni].
  • Rafis has taken the much desired osu!standard #1 spot from hvick225 by setting a 98.98% HD HR DT score on No Dap's Fujijo Seitokai Shikkou-bu - Best FriendS [Insane], netting him another 700+ pp score!
  • Standard mode legend Cookiezi is showing off his magic again by setting a Hidden full combo score on Alumetorz's gmtn. (witch's slave) - furioso melodia [Wrath].
  • Halogen- made an impressive SS in ​_FrEsH_ChICkEn_​'s penoreri - Preserved Valkyria [GRAVITY] difficulty, the difficulty which has a lot of jacks and chords.
  • Jakads also joined in on the first place taking fun after a round of great records. His 2 miss record on Spy's dj TAKA meets DJ YOSHITAKA - Elemental Creation [Spy & Luyuja's 8K Black Another] was one of the best of them all!

That about wraps up the news for this week! Did we miss something? Be sure to send in what you think should be on the news at news@ppy.sh! See anything that looks wrong? Leave us a comment in disqus and I'll try to fix it ASAP. Until next week!



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