3 Sep 2016
Weekly Report #3
by Deif

Weekly Report #3

by Deif

Hello! These last days have been relatively calmed for us after the new additions to the Beatmap Nominators. On the other hand, the report thread has been rather active lately with the feedback of the community on qualified beatmaps. Keep up the good job!

Further additions to the osu!standard nominators: With the last accepted invitations from ezek, sahuang, Zero__wind, Pentori and Sieg to join the BNG, we conclude the batch of additions to the usergroup. For those modders who missed this opportunity there will be a new application process in the near future, so make sure you keep your activity and quality high enough to be able to participate in the next test!

The Criteria Council has been refreshed with a name change: The newly renamed United Beat-Knights of Ranking Criteria (or UBKRC) is still working on revamping the old ruleset of all game modes. The members of the osu!standard section have come up with the first draft of the general ruleset. You can find it at this thread, so make sure you give your feedback before it gets officially approved! There is still some time until the 11th September at 23:59 UTC, where the draft will be revised by the members for further refinement. Elsewhere, the osu!taiko members have thought out criteria for layer improvisation in their attempts to define how layering in general needs to be handled.

BNG Rules will be updated in a short period of time: Some of the current rules are unclear, or they lead to misunderstandings. There will be a thorough revision to help nominators on every question they might have, and probably some forgetful members of the QAT as well!

Ask us anything!

In the absence of "serious" questions over the past few days, JBHyperion decided to humour you with some of the less-serious ones. Do not hesitate posting more of your concerns or questions here!

  • For JBHyperion - What was Pangaea like? Ah, fond memories. It was a wonderful place, where a moderator's job was easy. Memes and shitposts had not yet been invented, people didn't rage over disqualifications, and the beatmap forum was alive with vibrant and diverse mapping. And Nightcore. Lots of Nightcore.
  • Why do you keep crushing mapper spirit with your DQs, my 100 map should get ranked because I'm using a new special style that's fun and challenging for everyone?* Your "new special style", as you referred to, is actually neither new, nor special. In fact it's a time-honoured tradition called shitmapping. In this way, you can by all means make fun and challenging maps for people to enjoy, but these maps do not belong in the ranked section. If you attempt to rank such a map, I will impale you on a rusty pitchfork to make an example of you to the rest of the community. You have been warned.
  • Who would win in a fight between JBHyperion, Deif and Hulk Hogan? I would be taken out of the fight first, since my lazors take time to charge, and they would be a nuisance later. Deif would endure Hulk Hogan's blows, but as a Level 70 Nurse, his healing ability would outmatch Hogan's damage output. Eventually Hogan would tire, and Deif would land a broken heart icon to take Hogan out of the fight with a single blow.

That would be all from us for this week. Keep using the "Ask us anything!" feature of this blog if you have some more questions about our activity. We will be looking forward to answer them!



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