30 Mar 2016
osu!weekly #54
by Nyquill

osu!weekly #54

by Nyquill

It looks like we have arrived at the end of March without many casualties! We have the monthly poll conclusion, nail-biting action from the round of 16 of the osu!taiko world cup, and flyte's out "hunting cats" on this lovely week of spring. Read on for more information!

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This month, we asked you guys which community contests you would like to see more of in the future. By doing this, I hoped to get an idea of where most of the interest lies within the community, and help prioritize the projects we have currently going on. Without further ado, here are the results!


Please note that percent values do not represent total voter count.

  • It seems that the demand for mapping contests is high! With a large amount of players in it for more mapping-related competitions, you can surely expect to see more of them coming forth soon!
  • What's also good to know is that people are interested in seeing another Aspire contest. You can expect to hear about that shortly...

The SOFT (Springtime osu!mania FFA Tournament) is a massive 4 key brawl initially sporting over 128 contestants. It seems that the bracket has finally rounded out to its top 32 players, and now some really interesting matches are taking place. Halogen has tipped me with what he considers possibly the best match in his tournament so far; an edge-of-your seat spectacle of a match between Chrubble and adrien062. Even if you don't play osu!mania, you should give it a chance if you have the time. If nothing else, the commentators talking about Chrubble in trouble is very entertaining in its own right!

One of the members of the community has created a neat website for you guys to upload unsubmitted maps to! Hamster has set out to attempt to curb some headaches people may have with not being able to share every map they make with everyone by making his own beatmap submission service. For the people who REALLY enjoy going nuts in the editor on a daily basis, you should check it out!

Once again, impressive plays from around the community are here from -KousakaHonoka-!

The round of 16 has concluded! There were some pretty close calls in specific matches, though it seems that overall the difference in power between the playing contestants were pretty clear. Most of the matches closed out with 5-2, 5-1 scores, and now half the teams have been relegated to the loser's bracket.

Poland BARELY managed to secure an early point against the United Kingdom, taking a 31 point margin on Magnolia. Outstanding performances from Acrith and CreepyDuck was just enough to edge out the overall consistent UK team.

There are a couple of updates to our statistics! We now have a breakdown of the average accuracy of each map in the map pool. This should give us an idea of the difficulty of each pick going forward, as well as take a look at the overall difficulty of the pool. Besides that, the page is now updated with all the details of the round of 16!

The schedule for the Quarter-Finals have now been released! For this and any further information you may need, be sure to check out the wiki page. If you want to join in on the discussion, head on over to the official discussion thread!

Can I just say how much fun it is for me to reach out to you guys to make these? With the curtains coming down on yet another month of news that you guys make happen, I am confident in my words when I say that the osu! community really makes this game as great as it is. That said, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you guys about what kinds of cats Flyte is hunting, but there isn't a new design drop this week. HOWEVER, the actual implementation of these designs are now getting into full swing! You can expect to hear more about them in the immediate future.

Per usual, if you have any news you would like to share with me to put in these posts, please send us an email at news@ppy.sh. If you have any feedback on this week's post, or just want to poke fun at my writing, don't hesitate to leave us a comment down in the disqus comments or in the r/osugame thread. See you in April!



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