by Nyquill
It seems that I have kept you all waiting for far too long! The next few days will welcome some of the greatest leaps in staff transparency seen since Ephemeral last changed his avatar, and all of our development fronts are pumping out new things once again. Excited to see what's been cooking? Read on!
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A big thanks to the following contributors for helping out with this issue:
-KousakaHonoka-, Raveille (proofreading), Lemmmy, Astaroth
osu!standard beatmap nominator applications are back for another round of broken spirits and failed exams! Already I can hear the chatter going about amongst the nominators about how they're going to study hard to avoid having to take supplementary classes. Of course, much more is at stake for those who are trying to make it into the team, so I encourage you to review the ranking criteria if you really want to impress our recruiters. The deadline to apply is approaching fast, so don't be late!
Introducing the latest in management transparency technology: open-door development meetings! Effective immediately, future monthly development meetings will be completely open to the public to listen in on and also comment on at the end. This announcement came with a recap of the previous dev meeting we had last month, which is just about as timely as this issue of the weekly!
I couldn't believe how crazy the winning entry of the Aspire Beatmapping contest was! The creator of the winning map, Monstrata, clearly put forth unparalleled effort and time into making this map possible within and outside of the game's limitations. If you haven't had a chance to take a look at it yet, you can see the actual beatmap listing right now!
In our never ending pursuit of eliminating boredom, one of our members of the community went and made cool new video! 001thefish uploaded a video of almost every replay on the top 50 scoreboard of Team Nekokan's "Can't Defeat Airman", and it just so happens to fit together neatly on one screen. It's not exactly as visually impressive as some of the superpositioning videos out there, but it puts into perspective just how many of us are able to play this game at such a high level. It was apparently also a real workout for the creator's PC, so don't let his work go to waste and check it out!
"I applaud people who manage to do something so intense on their pc that they are never able to use it again" - [Lemmmy](
osu!mania Indonesia Cup #2 finally ended with the final showdown in 4-Key category last Sunday. It was very unfortunate for Flame_Rune as he couldn't compete due to personal matters. There were a lot of intense matches and points lead were changed each time. gemboyong, the current #1 Indonesia player, proved himself as the best player and he was crowned as the winner while Baksa-sama took 2nd place and Rey- took 3rd place.
Thank you to all participants for putting on a great show for us! See you next time ^-^
Since flyte couldn't figure out what he wanted to say for his new preview, I guess I can't do any better! Instead, I'll leave you guys with a link to his new post for you to dig into yourself. If you have anything you would like to share with us to feature next week, drop by the osu! dev discord and mention me directly! If I'm poorly mistaken about something in this issue and I need to consider referring my existence to the afterlife, please forgive me for my rudeness and let me know in the comments so I can fix it.