With the brief break that our friends in dev get from official tournaments and existential problems, we shift our focus to more community contributions! Read on to see what your fellow members of the community are up to!
It looks like we've reached the end of the first ever osu! remix contest! It is not an exaggeration to say this this is a historical moment for osu, as it signifies the first of the work from our efforts to bring you original content finally making it's way to everyone. It's still a ways off from properly concluding with a winner, but it's definitely exciting to hit this milestone nevertheless!
It looks like the Polish 4K osu!mania tournament we mentioned a few weeks ago is nearing it's conclusion. The match for the 3rd place was one of the most intense matches of the whole tournament. SitekX won against SutekX[Mientki] 7:5 in a close battle, with less than 1000 points difference on three maps (the score difference on one map was only 36 points!). SitekX is going to play against Hudonom in the grand final, which is taking place on 10th July, 3PM GMT+2.
With the end of a Polish community tournament, the folks over in Oceania are starting up their own friendly competition! This time, it looks like it's going to to be for the standard mode. Registration closed last week, so keep an eye on that for when that may be starting if you're interested.
There's a cool new tournament that attempts to bridge the gaps between players of different ranks in one team! Traditionally, many community ran tournaments have a rank range for who can register in a team. Since this denies many players from different rank groups a chance to play together, this new tournament may be something of a solution for those who still want to play with others. If you're interested, you can check out their thread for more information!
Recently, a video made by Dsco surfaced on youtube featuring some of the older achievements of top standard player WubWoofWolf. It proves to be a breath of nostalgia for those of us who have been around for a long time, and it really goes to show how far we have come in mapping. If you like seeing players play some of these interesting creations, or even just need a good laugh, check out the video below!
If you like alternative ranking systems, arihosu put together a cool league based placement derived from the existing pp ranking. A neat feature is you can see what people of similar rank are playing, and what their top performances are. Looking back at my rice farming days, I can tell that this will be very useful for players looking to get an edge on the competition!
osu! is a game about clicking circles to the music, but what kind of music is most suitable for circle clicking? This month, we want your input on what kind of aspects are most important to you when you look for a song to play or map on osu. Putting aside the obvious (rating, anime, etc.), what aspects of the music are part of the recipe of a fun beatmap? Let us know in our new community poll!
We're looking at more community achievements this week brought to you by -KousakaHonoka- and checked by Raveille. If you like content like this, be sure to show your appreciation to these two who made this possible!
[224]Hyperw7 has just made an amazing Hard Rock full combo in onoken - P8107 [Nervous Breakdown] (CLSW), granting him 1,108 PP and making history by scoring the highest performance point play in osu!catch mode.
The current world's #1 osu! player, Rafis, showed his skill by getting a full combo on Syaro(CV.Uchida Maaya) - Caffeine Fighter [Kilimanjaro] (Doormat) with Hidden, Hard Rock and Doubletime.
Not only did Rafis make an outstanding score, but Cookiezi also made an impressive performance by being the only one who full combo'd, with Hidden and Hardrock, BABYMETAL - Gimme chocolate!! [BLACK CHOCOLATE!!] (alacat).
This week was rather busy! It's almost magical to see the community fill in for whatever the team may not be able to fulfill, and our little osu!weekly discord channel has helped me greatly in finding out what people are out to do. If you want to take part in helping out our publication, join us at the osu!dev discord in the #osu-weekly channel! Alternatively, feel free to e-mail us at news@ppy.sh. We'll have a storyboard showcase for you guys soon, so don't go anywhere!