Project Loved has some new maps in store for you! Check them out, and vote for the ones that you'd like to see in the Loved category!
Welcome back to Project Loved! Every two weeks, we pick out a few beatmaps from each game mode that will get their shot at making it into the Loved category. From the maps we selected, you can now vote whether or not you want them to be Loved! Click on each map's header image in this post to be taken to its voting thread.
With Backfire stepping down from his position in leading the osu!taiko section of Project Loved, the mode will be taking a break this week, so there aren't any osu!taiko maps being nominated. Unfortunately, fartownik will also no longer be serving as a captain due to immediate health concerns—wish him well!
Otherwise, Project Loved continues on this week like usual! /o/
In case you don't read the end of this post, be sure to submit suggestions for beatmaps to be added to Loved using the Google form! All of the nominated beatmaps are chosen from submissions on this form, which you can view in the corresponding Google sheet.
osu! Loved candidates were chosen by BeasttrollMC, Bubbleman, DigitalHypno, SoraRoxas01 and waywern2012!
Camellia - Shun no Seafood o Ikashita Curry Fuumi Paella by Musty and PoNo
written by SoraRoxas01
Now that Camellia is a featured artist, this is the best time to put this map up, as this is a classic for the older players. This map has everything from difficult aim patterns to 220 BPM stream-heavy sections, from simple alternating patterns to more challenging tech patterns: this map is not to be taken lightly at all. This really is a test of how good you are in terms of both mechanical and technical skill. With the map hitting 70+ favorites and being 6.8 stars, will you be able to make it past this Musty and PoNo collab?
Tanchiky - ENERGY SYNERGY MATRIX by Cassu2 and DTM9 Nowa
written by SoraRoxas01
Coming to the Loved voting this time is this energetic tune "ENERGY SYNERGY MATRIX", which was collaboratively mapped by Cassu2 and DTM9 Nowa. If you know about Cassu2's mapping, then you know how they like to map difficult technical patterns, and this song is no exception. With heavy testing of finger control, flow aim and stamina required to play this map, you'll be able to show off to everyone your ability to play weird and not-so-standard maps. With the map being four minutes long, and even picking up its difficulty near the end, will you muster up enough energy to push through and go for a pass?
written by waywern2012
Despite Joji being a musician, he did not ignore the fact he had a popular YouTube channel, so he also produced comedy hip hop songs under the name "Pink Guy". THE PROPHECY is his second mixtape, and it's used in this beatmap by Emilia. With his overwhelming mapping of sliders, he followed the song's patterns and sounds to make a truly impressive map! It has everything—calm sections, jumps, some streams, jumpstreams, you name it! Songs from him aren't very popular on osu!, but his legacy will live on with maps like these. Prepare to miss some slider ends.
Primary - in the Garden by -Unlimit-
written by waywern2012
For an upbeat song like "in the Garden", there needs to be a map with jumps at peak parts of the song, and -Unlimit- did just that! The song starts off calmly, and picks up its pace at middle sections where there will be jumps with larger distance. Although the mapper hasn't updated the map recently, it is still among the community's beloved maps, with over 170 favourites! See if you can find the differences between the two difficulties.
orangentle / Yu_Asahina - HAELEQUINZ -the clown of 24stairs- by xLolicore- et al.
written by Bubbleman
A sequel to the infamous song HAELEQUIN, this song sounds similar yet distinct from its predecessor, and the mapset built upon it contains an array of maps for you to choose from. The main difficulty of the set features clean mapping with cutstreams and 1/6 bursts aplenty, and with four other maps all by different mappers, there are many different styles to enjoy. What are you waiting for? Give them all a go and see which you enjoy!
Smooth McGroove - Spark Mandrill Acapella (Dj CUTMAN Remix) by ReFaller, fartownik, Okoratu and Zetera
written by Bubbleman
It's almost a certainty that you'll have heard this song by now. This is Smooth McGroove's signature a cappella style, brought to you in a mapset by ReFaller. The top difficulty is a collaboration between fartownik and Okoratu, and features large comfortable jumps and some spaced bursts to round out the map. The song is absolutely one you shouldn't miss out on, and there is a good difficulty spread, so whether you're looking to chill out or challenge yourself, check this out!
GYZE - HONESTY by Bibbity Bill et al.
written by BeasttrollMC
After the widespread success of Bibbity Bill's ranked set, he decided to parodize his creation by debuting a TV-sized version of GYZE's "HONESTY". As ridiculous as it sounds, the mapset is actually pretty darn good, with each guest difficulty bringing some new and interesting twist to the song. There are too many difficulties to give each a description, but here are the ones I highly recommend trying before voting:
As much of a joke this mapset is, it seems to have resonated with quite a bit of the community, as it garnered over 130 favorites already, but does it belong in Loved? That's for you to decide.
Kano - Walk This Way! by Rumia-
written by BeasttrollMC
This is a returning title in Project Loved, only this time it's mapped by Rumia-. Originally popularized back in 2015 after being FCed by hvick225, it grew to be one of the most popular songs by Kano in the community. Unfortunately, it disappeared after a while, only to resurface in early 2018 with a few extra difficulties, including an Insane and an Extra along with it. For seasoned players, it's a challenge to test skills including 260 BPM jumps. For unseasoned players, it's a great way to enjoy a great song and have some fun. Enjoy!
TWICE - LIKEY by CharmCaster, Sing, Simuzax and cosmiccc
written by DigitalHypno
Hey TWICE fans, here's another mapset you can add to your collections! CharmCaster's set of LIKEY, with guest difficulties from cosmiccc, Simuzax, and Sing, has a full spread ranging from mid-1 stars to low-6. Though there are similarities, this mapset is much more jump-focused than the ranked set, truly getting your cursor moving with the song. With the mapset already having over 200 favorites, I'm sure many of you have been waiting for this map to have a chance to shine. If you're craving more TWICE in the Loved section, drop a vote on this map and show your support!
a-ha - Take On Me by Alvieee and HydroCannon13
written by DigitalHypno
Ah, this is a classic. I'm sure many of you know this song already, but what about this amazing map to go along with it? Alvieee's mapset of the iconic song "Take On Me" has a full difficulty spread from low-2 stars to mid-5, and features a guest difficulty from HydroCannon13. The maps themselves are very jump-focused, all with circle sizes slightly larger than 4. If you've always wanted to click circles to the sounds of Take On Me, now's your chance—and while you're at it, drop a vote if you want to see the map in the Loved category!
osu!catch Loved candidates were chosen by Ascendance, Sartan, Tenshichan and Zak! This week, all osu!catch beatmap descriptions were written by Sartan.
Yasuda Mizuho - Yoake no Bell ga Naru by Furely and wairo
When seeing the name Furely pop up in Loved, most people would immediately think of his gimmicky maps. Today we went for something else, Yoake no Bell ga Naru, one of the least gimmicky, yet best maps from Furely. In combination with the soothing song, the map itself won't try to blow your brains out. It is very accessible to a lot of players, including people from the middle to lower end of the player skill level spectrum. The map can simply only be described as enchanting, with its very satisfying patterns which are compiled of mostly tranquil jumps.
With a history of being picked in the osu!catch World Cup 2016, as well as some multiplayer appearance shortly after that, the map has already seen the spotlights for a while. These spotlights have since disappeared though, and most people have forgotten about the map. Maybe it still does ring a bell to some of you. If not, do check it out and see if you like it as much as we do!
Within Temptation - In The Middle Of The Night (Speed Up Ver.) by Minato Yukina
"Alright, alright, it is indeed finally time for In The Middle Of The Night to take up a spot within our Loved selections. This map has seen unbelievable amounts of play in multiplayer as well as in many tournaments, it being one of the most fun maps for players on the higher end. With continuous jumping with a few sneaky streams mixed in, In The Middle Of The Night makes for a fairly difficult NoMod experience, but also allows for HardRock and/or Hidden to be added for top end players without making it impossibly difficult.
Other than that the map is fairly straightforward, without any weird gimmicks, any bizarre bells or whistles, and that's what makes it charming. It has tons of replayability as most people know. So check it out if you haven't yet and enjoy yourself a very musical and jump heavy night!"
osu!mania Loved candidates were chosen by Lenfried-, Pope Gadget, stupud man and Toaph Daddy!
cillia - Fairytale, by shuniki and Asusa
One of the most well known mappers in the long note scene, shuniki, is introduced as the opener for this week's osu!mania loved nominations with his chart for Fairytale,. As one might expect from shuniki, the chart is a long note fest, using LN streams and inverse patterns to mark the intensity of the different sections. Having gained a significant amount of popularity from these types of charts, it's no wonder shuniki struck a chord with the many emerging LN enthusiasts through this chart, and this popularity is more than enough reason for it to be included in the Loved section.
Masakari Usi - Blinded By Light by Elekton
Intense would be the only word I could imagine using to describe Blinded By Light. The intro of this chart already hurls you into what this file is all about: dense 255 BPM jumpstream bursts that perfectly match the chaos of the song at hand. Besides said bursts, the file features well-layered broken jumpstream fills that are relatively challenging to time in their own right, making this file a gratifying competitive playing experience during its three minute runtime. This is definitely a must-play file for any jumpstream fanatic that wants to play fast-paced patterns at an approachable difficulty level.
Mitsuyoshi Takenobu no Otouto with Yukaina Koakuma-tachi - Koakuma no Wakuwaku Dokodoko Yuuenchi by Daikyi and Gradiant
For our next pick, we bring in Daikyi and his chart for The Little Devil's Heart Pounding Amusement Park. The chart definitely lives up to its name, mimicking the build-up and sudden release of a rollercoaster starting with a slow section only to unleash 279 BPM streams, and repeating this process four more times. This is accented with some nice usage of pitch relevance throughout both the fast streams and the breaks, which makes it feel rather satisfying to play, on top of the high-level streams making it great for competitive play, setting it up nicely for the Loved section.
Shiro Sagisu - Quatre Mains (a quatre mains) =3EM16= by Fullerene-
A recognizable face in the realm of osu!mania Loved comes Fullerene-, being nominated this round for his chart for Quatre Mains, an elegant piano piece that takes full advantage of the material given to him. Pitch relevancy and chord repetition are the two more commonly used ideas which are extremely consistent throughout the chart, and makes the chart feel like you are actually playing the piece. This sense of reality in the chart ties together with the meticulous patterning throughout makes the chart an enticing experience for both player and charter alike.
Nothing screams fun more than PISSCORD does. Despite its short duration, the map manages to successfully merge energetic music with expressive charting. PISSCORD presents multiple sections that test the players capabilities from inverts, to LN rice hybrids mainly featuring jacks and brackets. Players who enjoy LNs should definitely check out this chart if they haven't!
StudioEIM - Crescent Moon Island by Sturmmann and pporse
Sturmmann is a name that will likely only be seen just this one time in regards to Loved nominations. Despite having only three pending beatmaps, he's managed to heavily impress with this set. All of the difficulties encompass the idea of having chordstream with occasional jack and LN usage, just at varying densities depending on the difficulty of the chart. With the song being just two minutes and the wide range of difficulties offered by this set, it's convenient for all kinds of players to compete on and enjoy.
Murasaki Hotaru - Re:TrymenT by Niima
Re:TrymenT has definitely been something that has been on our radar for a while, especially with its status as what seems to be a staple in higher-caliber LN competition. The map can be separated into three sections based on the occurrence of each chorus (denoted by the map's Kiai sections), each getting progressively more difficult. While some mappers choose to vary their pattern usage across denser sections of a song, Niima sticks to consistency, and the result still manages to be highly engaging. This consistent use of patterning is also reminiscent of other Loved charts from Niima such as Knew day, and is sure to impress those who enjoyed the comfortability and popularity of that set.
From everyone on the Project Loved team, we hope you enjoy this week's selection, and look forward to the next! The winning beatmaps will hit the Loved beatmap listing sometime next week and will be announced via @osugame on Twitter.
In addition to all of the Loved captains that choose the maps and write the descriptions, make sure to thank Ephemeral, Noffy and Toy for their miscellaneous help in managing Project Loved.
If you have any suggestions for beatmaps to be added to the Loved category, please submit them using the Google form! You can view the current submissions on the corresponding Google sheet.