6 Sep 2019
A Most Manic Art Contest
by Ephemeral

A Most Manic Art Contest

by Ephemeral

We need your help designing a new set of mascots for osu!mania. But here's the big catch: they're going to be twins! Brother and sister, specifically.

You heard me right, twins are the flavour of the month, and our latest art contest is focused on exactly that. Similar to the Yuzu's New Look contest from way back when, the intrepid artists among us have 30 days to whip up concepts and designs for osu!mania's forthcoming twin mascots.

But why twins, you ask? Those unfamiliar with osu!mania may not realize that there are two major play styles for the mode in osu!—namely "four key" and "seven key" (4K and 7K) respectively. Maria may be wonderful, but she's just one gal, and these are big shoes to fill.

You're free to reuse Maria with a new twist as the lady twin if you like, but you don't have to. You're totally free to go with something entirely new for both, it really is up to you.

The choices are almost all yours! Go wild, but stick to the rules outlined below:


  • The chief theme for this contest is twins.
    • The twins must be a brother-sister pairing. No sister-sister, no brother-brother. This means that one is male, one is female.
  • Your entry must contain two designs for two characters.
    • Each character can share similarities with the other, but they must be visually distinct and identifiable from one another.
    • Characters must be humanoid. No anthropomorphic creatures.
  • All designs must be appropriate for an all-ages audience. Children do play this game, remember, and mascots are the "face" of their given gamemode.
  • Do not use features, themes or concepts from other intellectual properties. All entries must be unique and solely the creation of their authors. Plagiarisers will be exterminated with extreme prejudice.

The top 3 entries as voted by the public will receive 6 months, 3 months, and 2 months of osu!supporter respectively.

The osu!team will convene after the voting is finalized and choose the most fitting entry together, and its author will receive a custom osu! user title and an additional 1 year of osu!supporter for their efforts.

PLEASE NOTE: The winner will be expected to work with the team to finalize and tweak the design to meet osu!'s standards. We will further compensate for time spent working on this. If you're not willing/unable to follow up with us, we'll be forced to pick another entrant!

Got all that? Great.

Head on over to the contest listing and submit your entry now! Entries will run for 30 days from the date of this post. Voting will begin immediately afterwards and run for 14 days.



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