by Kyonko Hizara
So do you enjoy singing? Are you interested in competing to become the next osu!idol? Plug in your mic and come in, it's that time again to join and show off those singing skills!
osu!idol is the community driven singing contest! Contestants participate solo or as a duet in multiple stages consisting of various genres, showcasing what they got to our panel of judges. They will evaluate the performances and determine who makes it through the stages, eventually ending up in the finals. Voting for the winner will be conducted by you, the community, to decide who will be the next osu!idol!
Record a clip around 30 seconds long of your best singing with no background music added. Submissions will be lasting all month long, so give us the best you got!
Once community voting has concluded, the finalists will be receiving these prizes as followed:
Check out the official thread for the contest rules, submission sheet, and more details and discussions on the event. Make sure to join the discord server as well to get announcements and updates, ask questions, and talk to the community!
—Kyonko Hizara