by Ephemeral
With over 130 bloomin' entries to choose from in the Spring 2019 Fanart Contest, talent really IS in season. Head on over now and cast your 15 votes—but be quick about it, the votes are only open for 7 days!
Blaze on over to the contest listing now and lay claim to your 15 entries of choice! Given that there's 137 entries to fight for your vote, the running will be as fiercely competitive as ever this year!
A selection of the top-voted entries will make it into the osu! game client as Spring 2019's seasonal backgrounds for all to enjoy, and their supremely talented authors will nab 2 months of osu!supporter for their hard-won efforts.
We've prepared a little preview of the entries in video format for you to enjoy below, featuring the tunes from an upcoming collaboration that is bound to hit a beatmap near you in the future:
This might all be a little late, but that's no reason for you to be! Get out there and go vote for your favourites!