It's Scorewatch time! With an abundance of scores from the past weeks, this post showcases the best of the plays from osu!'s top talents. Check it out!
Welcome back to Scorewatch! We aren't making any significant changes to the project this week, so this intro will be short and sweet before we dive into the scores.
I'll be including this next bit in all of the Scorewatch posts, since it'll always be helpful for you and I:
If you have any suggestions for scores we should include, please submit them using this Google form! We could also always use more help running this project, so if you're feeling up for it, join the osu!monthly Discord Server and we'll get you up-to-speed with the kind of work we do.
... yeah, that's all I've got to say this time. We will likely be making some changes to the Scorewatch format in the next post. For now, let's get into those scores!
idke: Songs Compilation [I Won't Say "Farewell"; Someday, We'll Meet Again] +HR A (2,549/2,680x, 98.70%)
17 February 2019, Ranked, 946pp
Added and written by clayton
In the last round of Scorewatch, we saw how idke made a solid attempt on this map and earned a very respectable combo. This time, he's gone nearly all the way: with a combo so close to full and only a single unfortunate miss, we could be witnessing here the step that leads up to the first 1,000pp play in osu!standard. Even with that miss, this is one of the craziest, most straining and most precise plays ever. Let's cheer on idke and hope that he can make the FC a reality!
Spare: WAVE [Insane] +HD,DT Silver SS
18 February 2019, Ranked, 435pp
Added and written by clayton
Players that were active a few years ago will surely know this map, and may be surprised to find out that Spare sniped Bikko of all people with a HD,DT SS on it. This is a remarkable feat on a classic of the past!
idke: Kokou no Sousei [Chaos] +HR S (2,243/2,244x, 99.65%)
19 February 2019, Approved, 527pp
Added and written by clayton
This seven-year-old map only recently received its three nomod FCs (not counting Cookiezi's SS that was removed), but idke took this map to a whole new level, adding HR and still scoring an FC with incredible accuracy. If you remember when this map was considered one of the most difficult in the game, you'll definitely want to check this play out!
Spare: Louder than steel [ok this is epic] S (2,642/2,643x, 99.44%)
19 February 2019, Loved
Added and written by clayton
Take a look at the leaderboard of this map, and consider that this play would be worth 874pp if ranked. If that's not enough to convince you this play is ridiculous, watch the video of it!
idke: Highscore [Game Over] +HR S (FC, 99.67%)
20 February 2019, Ranked, 638pp
Added and written by clayton
I feel like idke just sat down on this day and played all of the most hyped/popular maps he could imagine until he set good scores on all of them. At even higher accuracy than Cookiezi's play, idke shows he has no problem with crazy jump maps like this, despite his more typical skillset being in streaming. Our new top player is sure living up to his title!
idke: Rainbow Dash Likes Girls (Stay Gay Pony Girl) [Holy Shit! It's Rainbow Dash!!] +HR S (FC, 99.32%)
20 February 2019, Approved, 656pp
Added and written by clayton
idke strikes again with a HardRock play on another famous old map! This one is even crazier than Kokou no Sousei, since there weren't any FCs until just two months ago when Vaxei earned his with no mods. With a growing collection of HR scores on maps that few (or none) have even done well on without mods, idke is even further securing his status as osu!'s best player.
Gayzmcgee: Cycle Hit [Home Run] +DT A (549/2,375x, 96.08%)
20 February 2019, Ranked (AR9 Edit)
Added and written by clayton
Gayzmcgee is back again, setting DT scores on maps that skilled players already have trouble with without mods. Like most of his other scores, I don't have amazing words to describe this... it's weird, fast, technical, and despite that description he somehow passes it with a respectable miss count and accuracy.
Bubbleman: Reviver [Insane] +HD,DT Silver S (837/838x, 97.46%)
20 February 2019, Ranked
Added and written by clayton
This offline play from Bubbleman demonstrates his insane finger control, being only beaten out by nathan on osu on this map. Full of doubles, quads and streams of different speeds, this map is a real test of reading and rhythmic ability, and Bubbleman does it all on 1.5x the speed.
idke: The Obsidian Crown Unbound (Episode: IX) [Onslaught] +HR S (FC, 98.62%)
20 February 2019, Ranked, 683pp
Added and written by clayton
idke, you're really stretching my words here. I don't even know how to describe these plays anymore because they're all completely whack. This [synonym for crazy] play on this [synonym for incredibly fast] map is leagues above the rest, sitting proudly as the only HR FC atop a leaderboard that's already only got 20 or so FCs, despite pretty much every top player having tried this map before.
idke: Happppy song [happy birthday to me.] +HR A (2,285/2,402x, 98.41%)
20 February 2019, Ranked, 759pp
Added and written by clayton
Yep, that's almost a HR FC on Happpy song. It wasn't submitted, but this is probably his best attempt so far on the map with HR. Not even sure what to say about this play. /r/osugame has some theories about how he may have managed to be able to set scores like this, and I think they may be right...
nathan on osu: Bad Apple!! [Insane] +HD,DT Silver S (892/894x, 97.78%)
21 February 2019, Approved, 436pp
Added and written by clayton
Difficult patterns from 2009 are no joke to play, but nathan on osu sure makes them feel like jokes when he effortlessly pushes through them with DT here. The best (HD)DT scores below his hardly even come close to the accuracy and FC. This is far and away the best score on this gem of 2009, and I doubt we'll be seeing much competition for that title soon.
Red_Pixel: minefield surfing [Adaption] S (FC, 99.57%)
21 February 2019, Loved
Added and written by clayton
This is an insane accurately play done on a map where you'd least expect it. minefield surfing's full of cut streams, anti-flow and beat snap changes, but somehow Red_Pixel managed 99.57% through it all. Check out the video for this one!
nathan on osu: The Game [Legend] +HD Silver S (FC, 99.29%)
21 February 2019, Loved
Added and written by clayton
It wouldn't be a nathan on osu play if it weren't using HD on a map where only one other person managed to FC, right? This 240 BPM stream map presents an incredible challenge for HD players, but nathan's mastered his craft and makes this look like a piece of cake.
Informous: Sidetracked Day (Short Ver.) [A r M i N's Extra] +HD,DT Silver S (934/980x, 95.12%)
21 February 2019, Ranked, 742pp
Added and written by clayton
It's almost like the typical Sidetracked Day farm play, except, you know, it's 1.5x faster and totally insane. Just barely missing the FC due to some sliderbreaks, Informous blows us away here with another one of his monstrously fast stream plays. For the caliber of speed this score requires, the accuracy is pretty crazy too.
Toy: Utsukushii Kodoku [Escapism] +HD,HR Silver S (1,325/1,328x, 99.32%)
22 February 2019, Ranked, 425pp
Added and written by clayton
Deservedly topping the leaderboard, Toy takes the cake here with the first HR FC. With a map presenting challenging patterns, rhythm and sliders, Toy shows off his talent as the ultimate all-rounder of osu!, clearing these things with HD,HR, clean aim and excellent accuracy.
idke: Yoiyami no Uta [Retribution] +HR S (2,965/2,966x, 98.84%)
22 February 2019, Ranked, 625pp
Added and written by clayton
Like all of idke's other monstrosities here, this map is long and painful, especially with HR. Unlike the others, it's filled to the top with P A N's signature difficult jump patterns, making this one even more outstanding to witness, especially at a higher CS than normal.
idke: A Voice Within [Deity] +HR S (FC, 99.54%)
22 February 2019, Ranked, 611pp
Added and written by clayton
This leaderboard has that special effect where the normal S comes before Silver S plays... all because idke is just that accurate even when playing with HR. The map being right up his alley, idke pulls off another one of his uniquely consistent and accurate marathon plays.
idke: Lost My Way [Journey's End] +HR S (2,513/2,514x, 98.89%)
22 February 2019, Ranked, 597pp
Added and written by clayton
"First HR FC" is not an uncommon phrase this week to describe idke's plays, and here it is, applicable yet again. This guy has conquered most of the map genres that mappers have thought up at this point... this time, it's with Kibbleru's modern jumpy style, with lots of awkward patterning and challenging rhythm to support it. I wonder if there are even ranked maps left safe from idke's reach with HR.
idke: My Sweet Maiden [Desire] +HR S (2,089/2,091x, 98.98%)
22 February 2019, Ranked, 719pp
Added and written by clayton
Stop idke, please, I've run out of words for the third score of yours now and I have nothing left to write. HardRock, something something large jumps and streams, very difficult, idke is God, I don't know. Watch the video!
-GN: Can't Defeat Airman [Holy Shit! It's Airman!!] +EZ,HD A (643/1,025x, 99.88%)
23 February 2019, Approved, 239pp
Added and written by clayton
So, so close to being an SS, this unfortunate play is still the most accurate of the EZ,HD attempts on this map. To put it into perspective, the next best player's score is not even half of the total possible for the map. I hope we get to see him improve this score soon because an EZ,HD FC of any accuracy would be totally nuts to see on Airman.
Toy: Memory Lane [Reminiscence] +HD,DT Silver SS
23 February 2019, Ranked, 422pp
Added and written by clayton
Toy's scores are always unique, and this one certainly lives up to the rest, being the first HD,DT FC, the second DT FC, and somehow also an SS. The map has strange sliders and patterns that require incredibly snappy aim, which is of course no problem for Toy and his super fluid aim that we all love to watch.
DanyL: Yuima-ru*World TVver. [Ultimate] +HD,NC Silver S (FC, 98.00%)
23 February 2019, Ranked, 708pp
Added and written by clayton
The HD,DT FC is here at last! It may only be 20-something seconds, but it's 20-something seconds of pure aim on a whole other level. I have to say I'm also impressed that someone was able to listen to this song with Nightcore enabled at all.
SolaEclipse: Ange du Blanc Pur [ABSOLUTION] S (FC, 99.71%)
23 February 2019, Loved
Added and written by clayton
You've seen this score made before by other players, but have you seen it done with a mouse only? I have no idea how SolaEclipse keeps his aim so steady on these streams while also clicking the mouse buttons, but it's amazing and this is a pretty unique way to set this score.
WubWoofWolf: New Friends [squirrelp's Key to a Happy Life] +HD,HR A (683/869x, 97.13%)
24 February 2019, Ranked, 263pp
Added and written by clayton
It's definitely not every day that we get to see good CS7.8 scores made, much less on maps like the ones that squirrelpascals makes. WubWoofWolf goes back to his roots here with insane precision and reading ability! I wish there were a video of this play somewhere, but it doesn't look like any of the usual uploaders caught it :(.
idke: Boogie [Edge] +HR S (3,199/3,210x, 98.94%)
24 February 2019, Ranked, 459pp
Added and written by clayton
When this map was first ranked, I thought some of these slider patterns would make the map impossible to FC since you'd need so much consistency to hit them all in one play. With HardRock, that challenge is made even more difficult, but apparently it's no problem for idke. Eleven sliderends were dropped, but I hardly blame him on this map with such complex slidershapes, especially with HR enabled.
Toy: Mother Ship [EXTREME] +HD,DT Silver S (810/811x, 98.30%)
24 February 2019, Ranked, 424pp
Added and written by clayton
fieryrage: this man literally came up to me at lan and said "i did it" and just snatched my keyboard
I have to say, that seems like a worthy celebration for a score of this caliber. This map's got some of the wackiest spacing and speed changes around, but Toy cleared through it all to get the first (HD)DT FC. It's kinda crazy to think he can do this stuff on a setup that isn't even his own. Toy, please start entering LAN tournaments again :pray:
fyre: The Unforgiving [Marathon] +HD,DT,HR C (257/9,289x, 81.54%)
24 February 2019, Approved, 1pp
Added and written by clayton
As if "AR11" and "marathon" weren't already a strange combination of terms to find describing the same score, fyre stepped up to the challenge and passed the longest ranked map in the game with HD,DT,HR. fyre's known for her incredibly fast aim and reading that allows for making some ridiculous passes such as this one. For once, I think I actually have to recommend that you don't watch this replay... unless if you're willing to set aside half an hour.
itsamemarioo: Cirno's Perfect Math Class [TAG4] +TD S (FC, 96.34%)
24 February 2019, Loved
Added and written by clayton
Continuing the competition on this TAG4 map, itsamemarioo takes back the throne with this surprisingly accurate Touch Device FC. We're already seeing -GN practice this map again, so there may be a battle coming here soon!
itsamemarioo: Groundhog (Beat Juggle) [SPIN'S TAG!!] +TD S (1,196/1,197x, 96.39%)
25 February 2019, Loved
Added and written by clayton
One TAG score wasn't enough for itsamemarioo this week, so here's another -GN snipe! This one is the first FC on the map, a feat that can only be made by real DJ Heroes.
Flaven: Crush (Radio Edit) [Collab Extra] +HD,DT Silver S (FC, 99.73%)
26 February 2019, Ranked, 627pp
Added and written by clayton
Watching these types of jumps played so well on DT is just about the most satisfying thing I've seen in this game. The leaderboard should be able to tell you just how impressive this score is, with it being the first DT FC and having accuracy far beyond the rest (even compared to the HD,HR plays below it, it falls in-line).
he rack: polygon [tetragon] +HD,DT Silver S (942/943x, 98.83%)
26 February 2019, Ranked, 444pp
Added and written by clayton
This map's DoubleTime leaderboard shows it all: with not a single play even coming close to he rack's, you know this is an impressive one before even watching it. Done on one of the lower difficulties of this famously technical mapset, this score combines "technical" ability with the alternating goodness we typically get to see from Hard/Insane plays with DT. It's certainly a unique combination to see, so check this one out!
Bubbleman: unravel [Collab Expert] +HD,ScoreV2 Silver S (1,504/1,510x, 98.40%)
26 February 2019, Ranked
Added and written by clayton
Done in the finals round of a tournament match, this play is by far and away the best on this map so far. Seriously, check out the leaderboard: only one FC stands, and at much lower accuracy, without HD or ScoreV2 enabled. Bubbleman's mastery of finger control and rhythm allow him to pull off some crazy stuff like this. It's also a display of incredible consistency to be able to do it during a high-stakes tournament match!
BeasttrollMC: RAISE MY SWORD [A THOUSAND FLAMES] +HR S (3,841/3,845x, 98.52%)
26 February 2019, Ranked, 875pp
Added and written by clayton
Definitely one of the most hyped plays in this round of Scorewatch, here's BeasttrollMC finally raising the sword. This HR FC proves his insane consistency with long streams, and also demonstrates some crazy aim through the map's ridiculously spaced streams. His play and especially his reaction make this video worth every minute to watch!
Freddie Benson: gabe power [Brain Dog?] +HD,DT Silver S (FC, 97.40%)
27 February 2019, Ranked, 815pp
Added and written by clayton
With even better accuracy than Informous here comes Freddie Benson, proving that his streaming speed is at a level comparable to his insane aiming speed, despite most of his plays displaying the latter. This is definitely not your typical 800pp play; check out the video to see why!
Bubbleman: Gekka [zerooooo] S (1,531/1,534x, 98.43%)
27 February 2019, Unranked
Added and written by clayton
One of Akali's more recent maps, Gekka's got pretty much everything you'd expect from the combination of this mapper and Nhato's music: difficult sliderstreams, anti-aim patterns, and a complex style that provides more than enough of a challenge. Bubbleman wows us here with an FC on it, only missing a few sliderends, a feat that even he was surprised by (watch until the end of the video)!
fieryrage: RAISE MY SWORD [A THOUSAND FLAMES] +HR S (3,844/3,845x, 99.04%)
1 March 2019, Ranked, 901pp
Added and written by clayton
Just a few days after BeasttrollMC's HR FC, fieryrage raises the sword even higher with his own score at over 99% accuracy. This kind of accuracy on a nearly 4,000 combo map made of mostly deathstreams shouldn't be taken lightly; the amount of consistency and dedication needed to pull this feat off is on a level most players will never reach. As expected, his reaction to his own play comes with a similar feeling of disbelief as BeastrollMC's did.
Jaye: Stronghold [Special Oni] +HD Silver S (FC, 99.89%)
22 February 2019, Loved
Added by JDrago14, written by Raphalge
Some of you may remember this map from from the RO16 pool of TWC 2017, and if you do, you'll know that it contains every type of SV imaginable. High speeds, low speeds... Really low speeds... You name it! However, for the seasoned Hidden player Jaye, this is not an issue. It seems this was just another name on his "Crazy Hidden Scores" hit list... As if completely unfazed by the chaos, Jaye manages to pull off an incredible 99.89% Full Combo, using Hidden on this already eye-straining beast of a map.
shinchikuhome: Uta [lolcubes' Hell Oni] +DT S (FC, 99.59%)
24 February 2019, Ranked, 618pp
Added by JDrago14, written by Raphalge
Every now and then I think to myself "This is it. We've reached peak performance". However, minutes later someone decides to put the pedal to the metal and does what was previously thought to be impossible. For shinchikuhome, an 8-minute, 205 BPM, appropriately titled "Hell Oni" map is simply too easy, and needs some spice. Double Time spice to be exact, taking this already very dense 6* map and bumping it up to a jaw-dropping 8.95*. It speaks for itself, really. 5 minutes of 308 BPM at what is basically 9*? I'd say that's worth having a look at.
shinchikuhome: Ultrasonic Anthem (Kobaryo's FTN-Remix) [TAIKO-HOLIC] A (1,195/1,741x, 99.80%)
24 February 2019, Ranked, 609pp
Added and written by JDrago14
Another legendary TAIKO-HOLIC play that deserves its high praise here. This 9-star osu!taiko map is packed to the brim with an array of extremely difficult patterns and deathstreams all moving at a blazing speed of 300 BPM! This map is actually so fast that not many players to this day have been able to keep up with its sheer force and intensity. However, despite all the odds, shinchikuhome still manages to make the impossible become possible and adds this to his list of impressive scores. Despite not achieving a Full Combo, the near-perfect accuracy alone is enough to make this score stand out amongst the rest.
ekumea1123: Kaihai no Northbridge [TAIKO-HOLIC] S (FC, 99.40%)
27 February 2019, Ranked, 511pp
Added and written by JDrago14
One of the more recently ranked TAIKO-HOLIC mapsets from the famous Japanese Taiko mapper, tasuke912. This map is no pushover when it can show just how intense this map can be. With it's use of slow and fast SV; to the use of different snappings; ranging from 1/3 up to even 1/8 patterns of 200 BPM, it'll surely test the limits of any player who dares attempt to pass or even FC this behemoth of a map. However, this did not stop ekumea1123 from attempting to achieve this goal in the slightest. With an impressive 99.4% Full Combo on the map, ekumea1123 masterfully demonstrates his control of even the fastest and densest of maps. Check out the video and see for yourself.
applerss: Kattobi KEIKYU Rider [Kaisoku Tokkyu] +HD Silver S (FC, 98.46%)
1 March 2019, Loved
Added by JDrago14, written by Raphalge
And the award for the most stupidly catchy song goes to... A song about trains? A well-known map, infamous for it's abundant usage of 1/6 patterns and speed. Matched with a player, well-known for his proficiency in those exact areas? A match made in heaven if you ask me. applerss makes a rare appearance in this installment of the biweekly Scorewatch, facing off against the ever-powerful Densha Warrior. Will he use his trump card "Hidden" and tear through the map with ease, or will he be overwhelmed by the speed and technicalities and fail? Well, you already see the results in the title. But give it a watch anyways!
Motion: World's end - Millefolium [Catastrophic Finale] +HD Silver S (FC, 99.97%)
18 February 2019, Ranked, 1,309pp
Added and written by FayeurS 5
Here we go again with a very good play on the newest and second ranked 9 star map, being Motion sniping Dusk one week right after he got the first ever HD FC on this. World's end is a 5-minute-long ruthless stream map, packed with 270 BPM left-rights which are ready to drain your stamina as much as it can, and Motion flawlessly destroys the map.
EzGon on NM: Genryuu Kaiko [Distorted Scythe] +HR SS
1 March 2019, Ranked, 855pp
Added and written by FayeurS 5
EzGon On NM comes in fresh with a pretty unexpected play actually. Getting the 23rd HR FC on Genryuu Kaiko, still being one of the "endgame" maps after four years of it being ranked. This is an extremely impressive play; the video will explain it for you better than I can!
SillyFangirl: slavik goblins [Extreme] S (972,944, 99.10%)
19 February 2019, Unranked
Added and written by FayeurS 5
Slavik Goblins is known in the osu!mania community as a ruthless chart, on which some of the best players in mania managed to get an S rank on it, and Silly comes out and gets the first ever FC on it, with over 99% as well, dominating these ruthless 270 BPM streams!
Jakads: The Limit Does Not Exist [Infinity] +DT S (796,544, 95.11%)
28 February 2019, Ranked, 941pp
Added and written by FayeurS 5
This play by Jakads is absolutely RIDICULOUS. The map is already 260 BPM and 7.45 stars without mods, and Jakads ramps it up and puts DT on it, making the map sit at 390 BPM and 10 stars for one minute, which sounds impossible at first sight, especially since wonder5193, the #2 player in mania, has 89% on this map with DT, which is the first pass on the map already, and Jakads beats it by over 6%, getting the first S rank on it!
Jakads: starlights feat. TEA [Celestial Radiance // 7K] +NC S (979,708, 99.63%)
28 February 2019, Ranked, 1,115pp
Added and written by FayeurS 5
Jakads sets the pp record for the third time in a row since the Scorewatch project has started once again. This time, this is a play on the newest 7-star 7K map by K a b i -, starlights. Being 7 stars without DT, Jakads just decides to ramp it up a bit and play a 9.53-star LN map, which sits at 261 BPM for 3 minutes straight, which can kill your stamina easily if you don't watch out, having a lot of streams and LNs that play as a stream basically, but Jakads still comes out and holds on an SS for half of the map, while barely being stressed as this video shows, and he comes out in the top 8 of the map, with mostly nomod plays around him.
That's a wrap on this round of Scorewatch! Stay tuned for future updates!