30 Sep 2019
Project Loved: Week of September 29th
by Toy

Project Loved: Week of September 29th

by Toy

It's Project Loved here again—your one-stop-shop for community favorited maps.

Welcome back to Project Loved! Every two weeks, we pick out a few beatmaps from each game mode that will get their shot at making it into the Loved category. From the maps we selected, you can now vote whether or not you want them to be Loved! Click on each map's header image in this post to be taken to its voting thread.

In case you don't read to the end of this post, be sure to submit suggestions for beatmaps to be added to Loved using the Google form! All of the nominated beatmaps are chosen from submissions on this form, which you can view in the corresponding Google sheet. For osu!mania, please use this Google form and this Google sheet instead.


osu!standard Loved candidates were chosen by DigitalHypno, BeasttrollMC, Bubbleman, fartownik, Ventus and waywern2012! This week, all osu!standard beatmap descriptions were written by DigitalHypno.

Akira Kushida - Kyuukyoku No Seisen by -NeBu- et al.
170 BPM, 3:54 | 1.60★ – 6.44★

This 7-difficulty mapset of a full-version Dragon Ball Z theme ranges from one to six stars. Each difficulty is fairly jumpy with each consecutive map being just a bit harder than the one before. The song itself is simple yet catchy, and mostly warrants jumps at a constant BPM of 170. However, no full-version anime theme comes without a guitar solo that lets the mapper test your streaming skill as well!

Overall, this entire mapset is super solid, so if you're looking for some clean, high quality mapping, any difficulty of this set will do!

sasakure.UK - Good Bye, Mr. Jack by Xilver15
180 BPM, 3:43 | 6.01★

Xilver is here to bring back the classic CS5 AR8 mapping style with this amazingly crafted tribute map to rustbell and tsuka's 2011 map of "Jack-The-Ripper".

This 6-star map is riddled with all kinds of tricky, old-style patterns that capture the song in its own one-of-a-kind way. If you're craving a unique experience in a map to get a break from the modern style, you need to give this map a try!

Masayoshi Minoshima feat nomico - Bad Apple (Camellia's "Bad Psy!!" Remix) by winber1
160 BPM, 4:37 | 6.14★

You might know of the song "Bad Apple", but do you know of this amazing 160 BPM Camellia remix of it? Better yet, do you know of winber1's amazing 6-star map of it? If you don't, that's okay. You do now.

This map does everything right when it comes to technical mapping. Awesome sliders, 1/6 bursts, cut streams, slider streams, more awesome sliders, satisfying rhythms, and everything else that defines a good technical map in your books.

Not convinced yet? Try the map yourself—don't forget to give it a favourite afterwards.

PsyLine & Lunawatt & Brainstalker - Hightechnological by Ciyus Miapah
80 BPM, 13:01 | 7.21★ – 9.61★

You know those crazy technical stream maps like Sound Chimera and Euphoria? They're pretty hard, right? ...I'm sorry? Those are too easy for you? Well, if you say so...

Ciyus Miapah, alternatively known as Fort, has you covered with this crazy, and I mean CRAZY map that can both meet and surpass your difficulty standards. Over ten minutes of high 8-star tech stream goodness. Hightechnological describes this map just as much as it describes the song. The map is split into various "practice" difficulties to get you trained up for the real deal—you'll probably need them. The beatmap description can help you get an idea for what you're doing here, but aside from that, all I can say is good luck.

Yuyoyuppe - Palette GAMMA by mithew
270 BPM, 1:24 | 8.14★

If you like 270 BPM streams, you'll love this map—it's filled with them—especially towards the end of this 83-second map. The intro is more burst-heavy rather than streamy, but they get longer as the map goes on. The kiais at the end are where the real meat is, but the whole map plays super well. Give it a try if high BPM streams are your forte!


osu!taiko Loved candidates were chosen by -Kazu-, iceOC, jyake, nyanmi-1828 and Ulqui!

PedroVanse - Eu quero by HiroK
140 BPM, 2:19 | 8.19★
description written by Ulqui

Representing the Brazilian community, Hirok brings us eu quero, a mix of popular Brazilian songs and electronic music that brings surprisingly intriguing results, especially because of the mapper's style of representing the music through comfortable, modern patterns and plenty of 1/6 and 1/8 patterns to challenge the mastery of the players.

COSIO (ZUNTATA) - Black MInD by KamizonoShinobu
192 BPM, 2:08 | 1.98★, 2.66★, 3.85★, 4.96★, 5.72★
description written by -Kazu-

Black MInD is to our eyes a map done out of sheer genius that uses multiple snaps like 1/3 and 1/8 to really emphasize a lot on this chaotic piano song. This was also featured in the osu!taiko World Cup 2018 as a Round of 16 FreeMod pick, which along with Time Traveler, was one of the most played maps during that round specially by HD players. Due to the popularity this map got during said World Cup, we decided to bring it to the Loved section!.


osu!catch Loved candidates were chosen by Tenshichan, Sartan, Wesley and Yumeno Himiko! This week, all osu!catch beatmap descriptions were written by Yumeno Himiko.

Camellia - gigadelic (Camellia's "THE TERA" Remix) [" 10^12 " Long ver.] by Minato Yukina
183 BPM, 5:29 | 8.73★

If you followed CWC 2019 this year, you might be surprised by this breathtaking Grand Final Tiebreaker. As a well-known outstanding mapper, Minato Yukina once again brought osu!catch mapping and gameplay to a new level. The super high velocity sliders and hyper streams matches this mad mix of Camellia's song. Challenge yourself and make sure to have your sanity checked before playing this map!

AAAA - Hoshi o Kakeru Adventure ~ we are forever friends! ~ [Long ver.] by Bunnrei
187 BPM, 5:51 | 8.00★

Bunnrei is truly mapper for top players. Hoshi o Kakeru Adventure is a map from 2017 with a lot of fun stream patterns and reverse jumps. The map creates a relaxing feeling as a hard-level map. The music piece created by artist AAAA is also really enjoyable, no doubt why the mapper creates a lot of maps from this artist. Would you like to take a unique osu!catch adventure with this map?


osu!mania Loved candidates were chosen by Shoegazer, Lenfried-, Pope Gadget and Toaph Daddy!

Various Artists - 10Dollar Dump Dump Revolutions 2 part.3 by Manwon
240 BPM, 5:05 | [4K], 4.74★ – 6.71★

Manwon (also known as 10Dollar in Stepmania) gets his first Loved nomination with part 3 of his Dump Dump Revolutions 2 (DDR2) pack. Dump Dump Revolutions 2 is a speed and jumpstream-oriented dump pack geared towards high level players, and the pack has received high acclaim for its overall fair difficulty, gratifying pattern use, and song choice.

Part 3 of DDR2 has a total of 6 charts, and they are arguably some of the most stamina-oriented charts in the entire pack. Each chart in the pack has particularly long streams (or dense jumpstreams): Shinobi has multiple 40 second (!) 336 BPM 1/4 jumpstream runs, Shiri Kezuribushi has 280 BPM light jumpstream 1/4 runs for most of its lifespan, and La Posesion du Mimi and Korekara no Someday are constant dense jumpstream/handstream charts (at 190 BPM and 240 BPM respectively) with almost no break. The other two charts in the pack are more speed-oriented, focusing more on short but fast streaming or dense jumpstreaming. This mappack also arguably has the largest difficulty variation out of any other DDR2 mappack, so there should be a chart or two that's appropriate for your skill level in this pack.

If you enjoyed this mappack, check out Manwon's other mappacks in his profile, particularly his mappacks that correspond to Dump Dump Revolutions 2 and 3. While the mappacks may not be as well-known as this pack, each pack provides a strong selection of charts that players who enjoy straight-forward charts would very much enjoy. Maybe those mappacks will get Loved in the future too, who knows?

Frums - dropdead by Chrubble
200 BPM, 2:10 | [4K] 4.93★

Returning after his last nomination of Hype, we have another chart by Chrubble that also embodies the term "hype", but in an entirely different way. dropdead by Frums is a fast, sudden, and intense experience, perfectly matching the mood that the song gives. It requires the player to weave through burst streams, tech-jack transitions, and some relatively simple—but difficult to nail—LN patterns. The chart is certainly a tech enthusiast's ideal chart with this mix of many different technical challenges and should definitely not be missed by anyone looking to have a difficult, hype, and satisfying experience during the 2 minute run-time of this chart.

PSYQUI feat. Such - hype (lapix Remix) by Reba
175 BPM, 4:37 | [7K] 7.05★

Something worth hyping about is coming this round for 7K!

Partly known for its appearance in the last 7K MWC Semifinals tiebreaker, Reba's hype is a fairly stamina-heavy chart utilizing long, hyper dense chordstreaming at 175 BPM. With a couple of minijacks and LNs sprinkled here and there as well as a forgiving rest section, the map leads up to an LN reliant chordstream section. Not really the kind of LNs you'd expect from an O2Jam chart but rather leaning more towards short LN chordstreams and small LN layers, fairly reminiscent of the meta with high difficulty mapping meta for osu!mania 7K.

If dense chordstreaming is your thing, then you have to try this map out!

From everyone on the Project Loved team, we hope you enjoyed this week's selection, and are looking forward to the next! The winning beatmaps will hit the Loved beatmap listing sometime next week and will be announced via @osugame on Twitter.

In addition to all of the Loved captains that choose the maps and write the descriptions, make sure to thank Noffy, PsychoStatic, huu and Ephemeral for their miscellaneous help in managing Project Loved.

If you have any suggestions for beatmaps to be added to the Loved category, please submit them using the Google form! You can view the current submissions on the corresponding Google sheet. For osu!mania, please use this Google form and this Google sheet instead.



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