by Noffy
While a bit late, the annual Mapper's Choice Awards and A Year In Mapping for 2018 are now here!
Mapper's Choice Awards 2018 forum threads: English, Français, Deutsch, 한국어, 中文, 日本語, Русский язык, Bahasa Indonesia, Nederlands, Tiếng Việt
Mapper's Choice Awards (MCA) is an event where eligible users can participate in nominating and voting on the best maps of each of the four game modes as well as storyboards. This event is meant to give perspective on what the best maps of the year are in the eyes of the mapping community! This year, storyboarding will be regarded as a mode to give the category more focus. Further information about this event can be found on the forum threads.
Each mode will have two Grand MCA Awards, one for the best beatmap, and one for the best user. In addition, each mode will have other categories where maps can compete for the top spot such as marathon, spread, and different music genres. Depending on the mode, there will be other additional categories for voting as well.
Even if you are not able to vote, feel free to follow along with the events! The results will be released later on via livestreams where commentators will discuss the results.
Right now, Mapper's Choice Awards is in the nomination stage, and the rest of the schedule can be seen below. If you're eligible to vote or nominate, be sure to do so while you still can!
Event | Timestamp (UTC) |
Nomination stage | 2019-09-28 / 2019-10-05 |
Voting stage | 2019-10-07 00:00 / 2019-10-17 18:00 |
osu!taiko results stream | 2019-10-19 13:00 |
osu!catch results stream | 2019-10-19 16:00 |
osu!mania results stream | 2019-10-19 20:00 |
Storyboard results stream | 2019-10-20 16:00 |
osu!standard results stream | 2019-10-20 19:00 |
A Year In Mapping 2018 forum thread
A Year In Mapping (AYIM) is back again to bring you the achievements and statistics of the mapping community in 2018. Each mode is given a section of statistics, such as who ranked the most maps and most popular artists and songs. Like 2017, 2018's edition of A Year In Mapping features commentary about mapping community members from each mode. Check out the thread if you're interested!
While this year's editions of MCA and AYIM are a bit late, we are striving to improve them with each iteration! Thank you to everyone who has made MCA and AYIM possible. We look forward to seeing everyone's votes for 2018.