27 Dec 2019
osu! Mapping Olympiad #3 Results (osu!mania)
by Asherz007, Chaos, and Protastic101

osu! Mapping Olympiad #3 Results (osu!mania)

by Asherz007, Chaos, and Protastic101

The judging for the first osu!mania Mapping Olympiad contest has been completed! Congratulations to PianoLuigi, the first osu!mania Mapping Olympian and our newest Elite Mapper!

For the first osu!mania Mapping Olympiad contest, mappers were challenged to create a full mapset for the song Scavenger by Dictate. A total of 13 mappers stood up to the task, and below you can see the results:

Rank Username Entry name Musical relevance (30) Creativity (30) Technique (30) Impression (30) Hitsounding (15) Difficulty spread (15) Score (150)
#1 PianoLuigi Uplifting Badger 27 26 26 27 15 12 133
#2 Kawawa Vile Dragon 25 22 24 23 12 14 120
#3 _VianK_ Unnerved Dragon 21 21 23 21 13 10 109
#4 Noch Einen Gloomy Goose 21 24 18 19 10 11 103
#5 Hira Malevolent Magpie 21 21 18 20 11 11 102
#6 Sinnoh Nervy Kinglet 19 19 19 18 12 14 101
#7 MEGAtive Magnificent Cottonmouth 20 16 20 19 11 14 100
#8 Hydria Charming Opossum 22 19 19 17 7 11 95
#9 DE-CADE Unethical Pintal 18 18 19 17 10 12 94
#10 LordRaika Distracted Lark 18 22 16 17 11 8 92
#11 Nivrad00 Alarmed Teal 17 18 15 16 6 9 81
#12 Lenfried- Jolly Fox 12 19 14 13 7 8 73
#13 Cuma Iseng Vigilant Weasel 11 21 7 9 5 6 59

In first place is PianoLuigi with a total score of 133/150! Their entry scored the highest in an impressive 5 of the 6 categories and was the highest scoring entry from judges Asherz007 and Leniane! This was an entry that stood high above the rest and is well deserving of the top spot for this contest. Congratulations!

In second place is Kawawa with a total score of 120/150. With excellent scores across each category and the highest score from judge Tailsdk, Kawawa's entry was very well executed.

And rounding out the podium in third place is _VianK_ with a total score of 109/150. Strong scores from each judge and in the technique and hitsounding categories helped push their entry into third place.

You can see all of the scores and comments from the judges via this spreadsheet, and you can click here to download all of the entries via Google Drive.

Congratulations to all of the top three finishers! Here is what each person will receive as their reward (as a reminder, 6 Olympiad Points are needed for one badge level):

  • First place: PianoLuigi: 4 months of osu!supporter, 6 Olympiad Points (awards "Mapping Olympian" badge), Elite Mapper title
  • Second place: Kawawa: 3 months of osu!supporter, 4 Olympiad Points
  • Third place: _VianK_: 2 months of osu!supporter, 2 Olympiad Points

As a bonus for winning first place, PianoLuigi's badge description will include the song title (Scavenger) they placed first in!

You can also visit the listing of all accumulated Olympiad Points, which is updated after each contest.

We would like to give a big thank you to Asherz007, Leniane, and Tailsdk for stepping up to judge the entries. As with the osu!taiko contest, we unfortunately ran into issues with getting judging completed for this contest. It was a huge help for these three to come in and judge the entries so that we could finish the contest. We could not have done it without them. Please note that while Asherz007 helped organize the beginning parts of this contest, he did not have access to the identities of the entries as the anonymization process was handled by Chaos.

Thank you to all of the participants and congratulations again to PianoLuigi! Be on the lookout for another osu!catch Olympiad contest coming soon, and an osu!standard contest on the horizon!

—Asherz007, Chaos, and Protastic101


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