Good day. Project Loved is knocking at your doorstep yet again.
Welcome back to Project Loved! Every two weeks, we pick out a few beatmaps from each game mode that will get their shot at making it into the Loved category. From the maps we selected, you can now vote whether or not you want them to be Loved! Click on each map's header image in this post to be taken to its voting thread.
In case you don't read to the end of this post, be sure to submit suggestions for beatmaps to be added to Loved using the Google form! All of the nominated beatmaps are chosen from submissions on this form, which you can view in the corresponding Google sheet. For osu!mania, please use this Google form and this Google sheet instead.
osu!standard Loved candidates were chosen by DigitalHypno and Ventus! This week, all osu!standard beatmap descriptions were written by DigitalHypno.
KNOWER - Overtime (Live Band Session) by Mismagius
145 BPM, 4:35 | 7.15★, 7.98★
KNOWER is steadily becoming a household name in the osu! world, and for good reason—they have some great songs. Great songs deserve great maps, and that's exactly what Mismagius has for us here. This creative 8-star map captures the song in a unique, technical style. The map is filled with one-of-a-kind alternating patterns making it perfect for those of you looking for a new challenge. A nerfed version of the main difficulty is also available for those of you still asking, "what's the tempo?"
Shiina Ringo - Jinsei wa Yume Darake by melloe
100 BPM, 3:13 | 5.80★
Most maps make you feel like you're playing to the beat of the song, but has a map ever made you feel like you're playing the song? If you don't know what I'm talking about, try playing this map. You'll see what I mean. melloe has put together such a masterpiece that it would be an insult to attempt putting it into words. The map is around six stars, but it's not like any other map you'll play. All I can say is that if you like maps that leave you with uniquely satisfying experiences, you'll love this map.
BUTAOTOME - Mesen by BarkingMadDog
230 BPM, 3:17 | 7.31★
Hey, you like to jump, right? Great, because BarkingMadDog has yet another masterpiece of a jump map for us all to enjoy. This 230 BPM map is filled with satisfying 7-star jump patterns throughout most of the song's 3-minute duration. Topped off with a catchy BUTAOTOME song, this is the perfect map for all you aim enthusiasts out there.
Reol, ill.bell - Nounai Kakumei Girl by Kaifin
240 BPM, 3:37 | 6.09★
This map is the definition of a well-executed gimmick. It's filled with overlapping sliders and cut 1/3 streams that are made in a way that play really well. The song lends itself well to the patterns in the map, making it super satisfying to play. It's the perfect map for putting your finger control to the test in a way most maps can't challenge. Sound appealing to you? Try the map for yourself! It's certainly one for the collections.
That Poppy - Altar by -NeBu-
132 BPM, 2:39 | 9.75★
Sharpen your high BPM aim, because you're going to need it to be in tip-top shape for this 264 BPM jump map. This high 9-star map has 3 distinct kiai sections with jumps that get harder each time. No streams in sight here, just the high-spacing jumps you'd expect out of a map with such a high star rating. Even if aim is your strong suit, all I can say is "good luck".
osu!taiko Loved candidates were chosen by -Kazu-, iceOC, jyake, nyanmi-1828 and Ulqui!
180 BPM, 5:45 | 5.59★
description written by nyanmi-1828
Coming to Loved this week is a huge collab hosted by Noko_BSF, with 22 mappers covering 24 parts of this song. The map showcases all of their different styles, some having more typical patterns, others featuring difficult rhythm, and even one part with crazy SVs. It's a 6-minute marathon, but the various styles are so interesting that it goes by in no time. Try it out yourself!
Rahatt - Mariquita Breakcore by 7_7
220 BPM, 2:52 | 9.22★
description written by -Kazu-
Mariquita Breakcore by 7_7 is, to put it short, insanity materialized. With an extreme amount of 1/6+1/4 patterns, 1/8 doublets, and a respectable 220 BPM, this map is as hard as it gets for maps that are still manageable to full combo. While we expect the usual gods to eat this map like breakfast, we would love to see scores from other top players that look to show off their skills in a big manner. Enjoy!!
osu!catch Loved candidates were chosen by Tenshichan, Sartan, Wesley and Yumeno Himiko!
Panda Eyes & Teminite - Highscore by Minato Yukina et al.
110 BPM, 4:18 | 1.72★, 4.68★, 6.23★, 6.39★
description written by Wesley
Minato Yukina is by no means a new face to the Loved section already boasting a whopping 12 maps in the category. This map is one of the many Nervous Breakdowns' he has created. As the name suggests it is quite heavy on the nerves due to the constant jumps combined with hyperchains. To top it all off, the Nervous Breakdown difficulty has some unique hitsounding from various other games. While Nervous Breakdown is probably the most known difficulty, it isn't the only difficulty in the set. Milquar, Yumeno Himiko and ExGon have created some well-made difficulties too. All three difficulties offer a wide variation in overall difficulty and patterns, whether it be the Salad, Rain or Overdose. Even though it isn't a full spread, the set will be playable in one way or another for almost everyone!
Infected Mushroom - The Pretender by Fauzan 2000
174 BPM, 6:26 | 6.92★
description written by Sartan
Whereas the other selected osu!catch map for this week's Loved round is from a mapper with quite some prestige both Loved and Ranked wise, I'd like to introduce you to someone that hasn't seen any kind of love lovin' as of yet! Enter Fauzan 2000, an Indonesian mapper that has been very steadily improving throughout 2019. He has made some very fun maps in this period, such as The Pretender. The map itself is very straightforward in its style, being fairly jump heavy throughout with some jump streams in the solo. It does make for a very comfortable and enjoyable experience, with high end players being able to really let loose with hidden and/or hardrock turned on. So do give this more obscure map a spin, as I'm sure most of you will definitely enjoy it!
osu!mania Loved candidates were chosen by Shoegazer, lenpai, Pope Gadget and Toaph Daddy!
140 BPM, 2:37 | [4K] 4.66★
You might remember Razzy's opening gambit in Loved, Groundhog—a wonderfully simple, but effective SV chart—and now she returns to Loved with a more complex, but just as effective Long Note chart in POETIC JUSTICE // AWAY. The chart is an LN experience that encapsulates such a large range of patterns including mini-LN streams, effective minijack and technical transitions, three-column inverse as well as full inverse, difficult but satisfying release patterns, and almost anything else you can think of. Each of these LN elements is impressively tied to distinct sounds and sections of the chart, all being logical and matching very well from a player's perspective.
All of this charted to a surprisingly rare (given its popularity outside of osu!) music genre in hip hop/rap. POETIC JUSTICE // AWAY proves to be a unique, satisfying, and extremely effective long note chart that more than deserves its past use in high-end tournaments and now its nomination for the osu!mania Loved section.
Jomekka - Eighto by Wh1teh
234 BPM, 3:26 | [4K] 5.48★
Wh1teh gets another chart nominated into the Loved section with his rendition of Jomekka's Eighto. To call the chart relentless is an understatement—Eighto has nonstop 1/6 bursts at 234 BPM (351 BPM 1/4s) with occasional doubles, 1/4 split jumptrills, and many extended 1/6 light jumpstreams sandwiched in its fairly short 3 minute lifespan. The first 2 minutes practically has no break, so you'll most likely find yourself running on fumes by the time you reach the longer jumpstreams in the chart.
This chart is fairly popular among high-level players, and for good reason. It's straight-forward, it's fast, it's comfortable to play through, and the song is remarkably catchy. Even the split jumptrills in the chart, which under normal circumstances would be very rigid to play through, feel like slicing through butter. The bursts and streams in the chart fit the song extremely well, and it's not hard to see why this chart is highly praised among the high-level playing community.
Minami - Kawaki wo Ameku by Flexo123
136 BPM, 4:09 | [7K] 10.78★
Starting off with with K-pop and into something Choir-y, Flexo123 comes back to Project Loved with another O2-style chart with a J-rock track. Inversions and dense 1/4 LN chordstreams with varying lengths are commonplace in this map and it's definitely not a cakewalk to go through these patterns clocking in at a seemingly tame BPM of 129. As the chart progresses, hints of what is yet to come are presented with increasingly rigid chordstreams and inclusion of 1/8 LN dumps. A fair amount of breaks are presented between main section to work as breathers but even those get progressively harder which ends things at a staggering section with tons of 1/8 LN inversions which at times goes to be double staircases mixed into longer LNs. A fair challenge for anyone wanting to test their LN reading and inverse streaming skills.
From everyone on the Project Loved team, we hope you enjoyed this week's selection, and are looking forward to the next! The winning beatmaps will hit the Loved beatmap listing sometime next week and will be announced via @osugame on Twitter.
In addition to all of the Loved captains that choose the maps and write the descriptions, make sure to thank Noffy, PsychoStatic, huu and Ephemeral for their miscellaneous help in managing Project Loved.
If you have any suggestions for beatmaps to be added to the Loved category, please submit them using the Google form! You can view the current submissions on the corresponding Google sheet. For osu!mania, please use this Google form and this Google sheet instead.