Project Loved is back for your semi-regular dosage of awesome maps.
Welcome back to Project Loved! Every two weeks, we pick out a few beatmaps from each game mode that will get their shot at making it into the Loved category. From the maps we selected, you can now vote whether or not you want them to be Loved! Click on each map's header image in this post to be taken to its voting thread.
Pardon the week delay, I (Toy) have been out with strep throat last week and was not able to get too much done. Luckily we're here now, and there's a whole new set of maps along with a wonderful preview video.
In case you don't read to the end of this post, be sure to submit suggestions for beatmaps to be added to Loved using the Google form! All of the nominated beatmaps are chosen from submissions on this form, which you can view in the corresponding Google sheet. For osu!mania, please use this Google form and this Google sheet instead.
osu!standard Loved candidates were chosen by DigitalHypno, -Roxas, BeasttrollMC, Bubbleman, fartownik and waywern2012!
3R2 - Kitty Attack by Settia
148 BPM, 1:06 | 6.38★, 8.00★
description written by DigitalHypno
Nothing captures "short and sweet" quite like this one minute Settia mapset of an energetic Rabi-Ribi song. At 148 BPM, the mapset's two difficulties feature flowy 1/4 jump and alt patterns (thought, you could call them 296 BPM singletaps) throughout the entire map. The higher of the two difficulties, at 8 stars, features a handful of 1/8 triples (think 296 BPM!) mixed between all the chaos. If you can't quite handle that, the lower, 6-star difficulty is there for you to enjoy the song with no 1/8 rhythms. If you're a fan of other Rabi-Ribi maps, don't skip out on this one!
POWERWOLF - Army Of The Night by Amberessence et al.
172 BPM, 3:16 | 1.76★, 2.26★, 3.64★, 6.43★
description written by waywern2012
Do you like power metal? Have you been waiting for more POWERWOLF songs to appear on the beatmap listings? Well look no further, as this beatmap from Amberessence is just what you were looking for. Army Of The Night has received over 110 favourites making it the only power metal band that is popular enough to compete with DragonForce on the beatmap listings. It has 4 difficulties ranging from 1.76 to 6.43 stars. The highest difficulty has jumps that gradually grow larger with each small buildup, and some features some streams sprinkled here and there. The song is on the slower side at 172 BPM. Watch out though! It has a higher OD than most low bpm maps, so be careful. Can you hold off the "Army Of The Night"?
penoreri - Preserved Valkyria by NerO et al.
155 BPM, 1:59 | 1.72★ – 7.46★
description written by DigitalHypno
NerO's mapset of Preserved Valkyria features seven difficulties ranging from 1 to 7 stars. The higher difficulties really test your 220 BPM skills on both jumps and streams, especially in the latter half of the maps. If you feel like your higher BPM skills have been improving, find out for yourself by testing your skills with this mapset!
BABYMETAL - Amore - Aoi Hoshi - by Bibbity Bill and Kastellan
176 BPM, 4:34 | 6.65★, 7.19★
description written by BeasttrollMC
Bibbity Bill returns to Project Loved with a map from an artist that many will be happy to recognize, BABYMETAL! We've previously seen their songs become extremely popular throughout the osu! community with maps like Road of Resistance, Gimme chocolate!!, and many more. Thanks to the song's style, it makes for a great stream-focused map—and that's exactly what Bibbity Bill delivered. Featuring 193 BPM spaced streams and bursts, this map is a great choice for those looking to give their fingers a workout.
Nekomata Master+ - encounter by Sing et al.
190 BPM, 2:01 | 1.68★ – 6.81★
description written by BeasttrollMC
With this mapset, Sing encounters their second feature on Project Loved—only this time featuring guest difficulties from 7 other mappers! With a grand total of 9 individual difficulties, there surely is a map for everyone, especially with a difficulty spread like this. Many of them take advantage of the song's complex rhythms and bursts, however each map is unique to their own and is a blast to play for anyone looking to try.
osu!taiko Loved candidates were chosen by -Kazu-, iceOC, jyake and nyanmi-1828!
Camellia feat. Nanahira - Bassdrop Freaks (2018 "Redrop" ver.) by katacheh
450 BPM, 4:32 | 77.77★
description written by jyake
If you like gimmick maps, this one's for you. katacheh themselves said they packed this map with almost every gimmick they've ever used in their past gimmick maps, paired with a helpful scoreboard that displays which gimmicks are being used in the current section you're playing! Not only is it packed with content, that content is also very polished and high-quality!
kaitendaentai - Hizai ni Negu by maziari1105 et al.
172 BPM, 3:29 | 2.60★ – 8.88★
description written by -Kazu-
Hizai ni Negu is by far one of the most liked maps in recent time, with Metaphysical being featured in TWC2019 (and getting an insane FC by KyouRekii87 in the Korea vs. Taiwan final), we finally bring, what has seemed to take an endless wait to get here, into the Loved section.
Although initially planned by maziari1105 to get Ranked, he decided to allow us to put it here for the voting stage and of course we instantly took the chance to do so.
Worry not though—even if its (insane) top difficulty is one of the best maps we have seen yet, the other diffs don't fall short to the hype either!
osu!catch Loved candidates were chosen by Tenshichan, Sartan, Wesley and Yumeno Himiko!
Eleharmonica remixed by kors k - Der Wald (Kors K Remix) by Razor Sharp
170 BPM, 1:59 | 7.39★
description written by Wesley
After playing the "SINNOH'S INFINITE" difficulty of the recently ranked Chroma – I and seeing the long gimmicky slider, it reminded me of a beatmap created by Razor Sharp: Erehamonika remixed by kors k - Der Wald (Kors K Remix). While the map starts out rather slow, it picks up quite quickly once the first real drop of the song passes. Unlike Chroma – I where there is only one big gimmicky slider near the ending, this map is filled with almost only those gimmicky sliders. Zigzag sliders, stream sliders, jump sliders, you name it! Can you beat this map, and maybe even add Hidden on top of it?
Dragonforce - Soldiers of the Wasteland by koliron
200 BPM, 9:44 | 9.79★
description written by Sartan
Here we go then. The map that was supposed to blow everything away in the ranked section pp-wise but sadly never made it to that ranked section in the end. Having quit for a while now, Koliron's Soldiers of the Wasteland hasn't seen any activity in over a year which was a bummer for quite a lot of people. The map itself is very well created and very well polished having been used for the CTB International Cup IV as Grand Finals tiebreaker, and also having seen plenty of play in multiplayer lobbies despite its very ranked-map-esque feel. With its tons of streams, stream jumps, and the lengthiness of the song itself, this map is truly a finger-breaker. As the star rating suggests, the map is suited only for players of (very) high skill level, let alone with hardrock turned on. Will you be able to play it? Or will you find yourself just another soldier lost in the wasteland?
osu!mania Loved candidates were chosen by Shoegazer, Lenfried-, Pope Gadget and Toaph Daddy!
177 BPM, 2:55 | [4K] 4.94★
Did you guys miss LeiN-? We did too. Unlike LeiN-'s previous charts in the Loved section, SENSE is an extremely complex drumstep song with many distinct sections, unpredictable bass wobbles, and a multitude of sound textures to be found. Just like the song, LeiN-'s rendition of SENSE is very complex and very technical.
SENSE starts with broken 1/4 streams containing occasional 1/6 bursts. The section after has longer 1/4 two-handed trilly jumpstream runs with longer 1/6 and occasional 1/8 bursts. The section after introduces some great LN accentuation, more 1/6 and 1/8 bursts, before diving into straight up dense 1/4 jumpstream and a barrage of minijacks. The chart calms down for a while, and then blasts the player right into nothing but fast 1/8 bursts with 1/6 bursts scattered in between. The last third of the chart contains chords with grace notes for specific sounds and differently structured 1/8 bursts. Sounds like a ride, doesn't it?
To say that the chart is dynamic is an understatement—it's one of LeiN-'s most ambitious charts, and it complements the song excellently. The LN usage in particular was distinct and excellently done, and the bursts themselves, while maybe a bit overwhelming at points, never fail to feel tailor-made for the song itself. We would highly recommend this chart to anyone who loves bursts and/or technical charts in general.
supercell - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari by eZmmR et al.
165 BPM, 5:36 | [4K] 6.22★
We've seen him before taking the spot of a popular LN charter, and here eZmmR is once again along with collaborative partners Pianissimo, Timbergling and Yuichie (also including a couple of familiar faces) for their chart of Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari. As you might expect from the familiar group, the chart is chock full of difficult LN patterns taking various forms, from LN streams to release oriented dump patterns, to occasional runs of inverse patterning. Similar to their last entry, it is truly the type of chart for those LN enthusiasts to jump all over and enjoy, and one for those looking to introduce themselves to the vast array of difficult LN patterns there are to find. The chart is certainly a popular one of this genre, and can be very appealing to the two groups mentioned, and thus earns itself a spot among the Loved nominations.
165 BPM, 5:49 | [7K] 8.29★
It's time for another Kim_GodSSI pick! This round we're having TIEFSEE! You might have seen this from the last 7K Mania World Cup and it is arguably one of the more well-received maps in the pool for all the right reasons.
The map works under a formula well established by the current high SR meta—chordstreams that transition into their LN heavy counterpart. But despite that very well reused approach to high level mapping, this map executes it in such a manner where the duration allows for a smooth and gradual transition into hard LN usages! 165 BPM may make this map sound like a cakewalk, but this map got into the Final mappool for a reason. It's the sheer amount of stamina and finger independence involved in this map that makes it a great challenge for many. Bracket heavy chordstreams are the general approach to the layers in this chart with initially basic LNs introduced followed up by 1/4ths LNs and later overlap heavy LNs and finally full inversions. Anyone looking for a decent challenge should try this out!
From everyone on the Project Loved team, we hope you enjoyed this week's selection, and are looking forward to the next! The winning beatmaps will hit the Loved beatmap listing sometime next week and will be announced via @osugame on Twitter.
In addition to all of the Loved captains that choose the maps and write the descriptions, make sure to thank Noffy, huu and Ephemeral for their miscellaneous help in managing Project Loved.
If you have any suggestions for beatmaps to be added to the Loved category, please submit them using the Google form! You can view the current submissions on the corresponding Google sheet. For osu!mania, please use this Google form and this Google sheet instead.