5 Sep 2019
osu! Mapping Olympiad #2 Results
by Gabe, hikiko-, Pachiru, Chaos

osu! Mapping Olympiad #2 Results

by Gabe, hikiko-, Pachiru, Chaos

The judging for the first osu!taiko Mapping Olympiad contest has been completed, and the results are in: congratulations to Nofool, the first osu!taiko Mapping Olympian and our newest Elite Mapper!

For the inaugural osu!taiko Mapping Olympiad contest, we tasked mappers to create a full spread showcasing their proficiency in osu!taiko mapping with the song Bwa ! from Thaehan. There were a total of 33 entries, and below are the results for the top 10:

Rank Username Entry Name Flow and Structure (30) Relevance (30) Difficulty Spread (30) Creativity (30) Judge Impression (30) Score
#1 Nofool Verifiable Monkey 23.5 23 26 22 25 119.5
#2 Nifty Pessimistic Raccoon 24 23 23 23.5 24 117.5
#3 Volta Elastic Vole 22.8 22.5 27 10.5 23.5 106.3
#4 Nishizumi Monumental Chipmunk 20.5 22.2 18.2 18.8 18 97.7
#5 [R] Wrong Bat 21.2 23 22.5 8 19 93.7
#6 sing216 Average Elephant 20 22.9 18 14.2 18 93.1
#7 -Kazu- Intelligent Lion 21.5 18.5 21.5 15 15.5 92
#8 Zetera Robust Whale 19 21 18.5 18 15 91.5
#9 Fallmorph Normal Fox 19.5 20.3 19.5 15 17 91.3
#10 Sinnoh Idealistic Opossum 20.8 22 15.5 14.5 17.5 90.3

In first place is Nofool with a score of 119.5. Their entry received the best score from judge incandescence, as well as the highest overall "Judge Impression" score! This an excellent entry across the board. Congratulations!

Following close behind in second place is Nifty, who received a total of 117.5 points. They earned the best scoring in the "Flow and Structure" and "Creativity" categories, not to mention they received an impressive overall score of 44/50 from judge Nepuri!

Volta closes the podium by earning third place with a score of 106.3. Their entry showcases a mastery of difficulty spread, receiving a score of 27/30 in the category, beating out all other entries.

You can see all of the scores and comments from the judges via this spreadsheet, and you can click here to check out all of the entries!

Congratulations to all of the top three finishers! Here is what each person will receive as their reward (as a reminder, 6 Olympiad Points are needed for one badge level):

  • First place: 3 months of osu!supporter, 6 Olympiad Points (results in a "Mapping Olympian" badge), Elite Mapper title
  • Second place: 2 months of osu!supporter, 4 Olympiad Points
  • Third place: 1 month of osu!supporter, 2 Olympiad Points

As a bonus for winning first place, each of the winners' badge descriptions will include the song they placed first in!

You can also visit the listing of all accumulated Olympiad Points which is updated after each contest.

We would like to thank Aloda, incandescence, and Nepuri for their hard work to deliver their impressions of the entries. A series of unfortunate events caused judging to have to be delayed much longer than we would have liked, so we'd like to thank these three for stepping up to complete the judging. Our sincerest apologies from the Mapping Olympiad team for the delay.

Thank you to all of the participants and congratulations again to Nofool! Stay tuned for the next Mapping Olympiad contest!

—Gabe, hikiko-, Pachiru, Chaos


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