26 Jan 2019
BN Applications: Winter Cycle 2019
by Deif

BN Applications: Winter Cycle 2019

by Deif

Even though the new year is still full of uncertainties about the future of beatmap moderation, the show must go on, and so the Beatmap Nominator applications are opening once again!

In the last cycle of applications, there was a total of 120 participants. After double-checking their modding activity, we established that 96 of the applicants were active enough in previous months in order to continue with the selection process. Lastly, and after further deliberations within the members of the Quality Assurance Team, we proudly announced at the end of October the addition of no less than 29 new Beatmap Nominators. We hope to see a similar positive result for this cycle!

How to apply

Experienced modders from all game modes may apply. You will have until January 31st (23:59 UTC) to submit your application. Processing through applications may take up to three weeks. The basic criteria which apply to all applicants are as follows:

  • You must have been modding actively for at least three months prior to this announcement
  • You may only apply for one game mode per application. If you want to apply for multiple modes, you may send multiple applications accordingly
  • You must be familiar with the current modding environment and abide by the current Code of Conduct
  • You must be familiar with the Ranking Criteria and apply it where necessary in your mods

More information about activity requirements and the selection process can be found in the Becoming a Beatmap Nominator wiki article.

We wish the best of luck to all applicants, and hope to see enough reinforcements for all game modes to ensure that the number of Ranked beatmaps keeps growing!



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