22 May 2019
osu! Mapping Olympiad #5 Results
by Chaos

osu! Mapping Olympiad #5 Results

by Chaos

The results for the second osu!standard Mapping Olympiad contest are in! See who rose above the rest to earn the coveted title of Elite Mapper!

This installment of the Mapping Olympiad contest challenged mappers to create a pair of difficulties for Virtual Self's EON BREAK. As an additional challenge, participants were asked to showcase different mapping styles between the two entries to demonstrate their creativity, in reference to the two personas 'Pathselector' and 'technic-Angel' that make up Virtual Self. Below are the results:

Rank Username Entry Name Musical Relevance (40) Creativity (60) Technique (40) Impression (40) Hitsounding (20) Score
#1 Necho & Ryuusei Aika Casual Vole 34.5 48.5 35 36 14 168
#2 yaspo Resilient Bufflehead 31.5 52 27.5 34 16.5 161.5
#3 J1_ & how2miss Contemptible Crocodile 32.5 45 35 33 11.5 157
#4 Acyl & _Epreus Surly Starling 27.5 42 29 29 14 141.5
#5 Akeruyri Uptight Magpie 28 41 26.5 26 13.5 135
#6 - Matha - & Yugu Unethical Sparrow 31 33.5 28 24 13 129.5
#7 Anto & Nuvolina Depressed Thrush 26 38 24.5 23 15 126.5
#8 camellirite Heroic Marmot 22 36 25 25 9 117
#9 Innovation Comfortable Emu 24 33 27 26 6 116
#10 [ Zzz ] Defensive Sapsucker 20 26.5 21.5 21 10.5 99.5
#11 _fluffyy Apathetic Elephant 18.5 26.5 15.5 16.5 7 84
#12 AlienSlayerX Unique Warbler 9 14 8 9.5 3.5 44

In first place are Necho and Ryuusei Aika with a total score of 168! All of the judges were impressed by their entry, which demonstrated excellence across all categories including achieving the highest scores for Musical Relevance and Impression. Congratulations on joining the ranks of osu!'s Elite Mappers!

Creating both entries alone, in second place is yaspo with a total score of 161.5! With the highest score across all entries for Creativity and Hitsounding, yaspo created a pair of excellent maps that were the highest scoring from judges Electoz and Myxomatosis.

And in third place are J1_ and how2miss with a total score of 157! Alongside tying the winning entry for highest score in Technique, they were awarded the highest score from judge pishifat. All in all an excellent entry from this pair.

Thank you to everybody who submitted an entry and congratulations to all of the top three finishers! Here is what each person will receive as their reward (as a reminder, 6 Olympiad Points are needed for one badge level):

  • First place: 4 months of osu!supporter, 6 Olympiad Points ('Mapping Olympian' badge), Elite Mapper
  • Second place: 3 months of osu!supporter, 4 Olympiad Points
  • Third place: 2 month of osu!supporter, 2 Olympiad Points

As a bonus for winning first place, each of the winners' badge descriptions will include the song they placed first in!

Here is a listing of all accumulated Olympiad Points which is updated after each contest.

We'd like to thank all of the judges who spent their time going through and judging all of the entries: Electoz, Myxomatosis, pishifat, and Sonnyc. Contests would not be able to be run without the time and effort of judges, and for that we are truly grateful for their efforts.

You can see all of the scores and comments from the judges via this spreadsheet, and you can click here to check out all of the entries!.

As a brief aside, for those of you who may have been wondering about the osu!taiko and osu!mania contests, we apologize for the delay. A number of unexpected circumstances came up between the judges for both contests, but we will finally be able to announce the results for both contests soon.

Thank you to everyone who participated and showed interest, and congratulations once again to Necho and Ryuusei Aika! We look forward to seeing you all and more in the next Olympiad contest!



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