by Ephemeral
We're proud to welcome goreshit as our latest addition to the Featured Artist lineup!
One of the eminent names from the game's earlier days, goreshit has been a name well known in the community since basically forever, and we're super excited to announce that it is finally official!
Known in osu! most for their tracks like MATZcore and burn this moment into the retina of my eye (a set of which featured in the OWC 2016 Finals mappool as a tiebreaker), we've managed to snag a more modern set of 20 tracks from their creative ensemble.
Dialling industrial-fused breakcore up to the maximum, we're certain that we're going to be seeing a lot more of goreshit in the near future among a variety of new top-end mapping masterpieces.
Check out a sample of what's available below:
There's a whole load more available over at goreshit's Featured Artist listing, so head on over now and check it out!
Next up on the horizon, well...
The universe might have succumbed to collapse, so we'll have to jump into the void to find out who!