by Toy
Bending the very fabric of time and space, Akira Complex plunges into the Featured Artist catalogue!
An widely established and well-respected producer, Akira Complex is a name not unfamiliar to the rhythm game scene by any stretch of the imagination.
With a beefy resume including the likes of multiple KONAMI titles, the Akira Complex sound spans far and wide touching down in the osu! realm with 21 new tracks for you to sink your teeth into.
Think you're ready to digest it all? Give it a preview below!
If, by chance, this is your first time reading this far, all of these tracks are available ready for mapping and 100% free to use over at Akira Complex's Featured Artist listing!
Now for the moment you're all waiting for — this week's hint:
Synesthetic perceptions of red and green lights send chills down my spine.
What could it mean? Who could this be? Tune in next week and see!