29 Nov 2019
Featured Artist Beatmap Updates from the Mappers' Guild
by pishifat and Noffy

Featured Artist Beatmap Updates from the Mappers' Guild

by pishifat and Noffy

The featured artists of osu! have been receiving more love than ever before! Come and take a look at what's been happening within the Mappers' Guild!

It's only been two months since our previous news article on the Mappers' Guild, yet quite a bit has progressed, with 8 quests completed and over 80 beatmaps of songs by featured artists reaching ranked status!

For those out of the loop, the Mappers' Guild is a system for mappers with more than three ranked maps to earn rewards for creating beatmaps of songs from the Featured Artist library. Following in the footsteps of MMOs, the Guild publishes weekly quests for mappers to undertake for extra rewards, however its members can still participate by mapping any featured artists songs they desire! If you're at all interested in the Guild, take a look at the Mappers' Guild website for more information!

Today we'll be going over finished quests from the Mappers' Guild, featured artist beatmap pack updates, and a list of all ranked featured artist maps since our last news post in September. Without further adieu, let's start going through each quest completed since last update!

Finished quests

Creo header

For the Creo mini-pack (osu!) quest, the mappers had to create and rank at least 4 mapsets of songs by Creo, each hosted by a different user.

This quest was completed by VINXIS , deetz, Cheesecake, NeilPerry, mithew, and Kite.

Inferi header

For the Inferi Collab mini-pack (osu!taiko) quest, mappers had to create and rank at least 4 mapsets of songs by Inferi, each with a collaborative difficulty between two or more users.

This quest was completed by komasy, Greenshell, Rhytoly, mintong89, Raiden, -Kazu-, and iceOC.

Mystery header

For the High Tempo pack (osu!) quest, mappers had to create and rank at least 8 mapsets of songs whose tempos are mainly 200BPM or faster, without a single user hosting more than two mapsets.

This quest was completed by Cris-, walaowey, Minorsonek, Hazu-, Cosmolade, RVMathew, -Sh1n1-, Gero, Tatan, Crissa, pkhg, and [ L u k a s ].

Camellia header

For the Camellia Hybrid pack (osu!taiko & osu!mania) quest, mappers had to create and rank at least 6 mapsets of songs by Camellia. Half of the mapsets must include difficulties of a game mode different from the other half, and each mapset must be hosted by a different user.

This quest was completed by Nifty, Cynplytholowazy, Faputa, _DUSK_, Nepuri, Genjuro, Asherz007, Leniane, Dergo, AncuL, and _Kobii.

LukHash header

For the LukHash mini-pack (osu!catch) quest, mappers had to create and rank at least 4 mapsets of songs by LukHash, each hosted by a different user. The party was so motivated, they went above and beyond by making 8 sets!

This quest was completed by MBomb, Nelly, Absolute Zero, Bunnrei, JBHyperion, Ascendance, wonjae, and Rocma.

Undead Corporation header

For the UNDEAD CORPORATION Other Albums pack (osu!) quest, mappers had to create and rank at least 5 mapsets of UNDEAD CORPORATION's other songs (not listed under TOHO Complete Box), each hosted by a different user.

This quest was completed by Trynna, pishifat, eiri-, Hinsvar, Niva, and Seto Kousuke.

Rin header

For the From The Vault pack (osu!) quest, mappers had to create and rank at least 3 mapsets of unpublished songs by one of our current featured artists. The unpublished songs were later revealed to be part of a massive update to Rin's library released this past October.

This quest was completed by Trynna, pishifat, eiri-, schoolboy, Hinsvar, and Niva.

Aleph header

For the 2 (osu!taiko) quest, mappers had to create and rank at least 2 mapsets of songs by an unpublished featured artist, each hosted by a different user. When licensing songs from Dictate, osu! also licensed 2 tracks by the artist ALEPH, but only 2 songs were not enough for their own Featured Artist listing, so the songs have not been listed on the website. That said, the 2 songs are licensed and free to use for mapping on osu!, so be sure to check the songs out and map them if you like them "2"!

This quest was completed by tasuke912, salchow, Nardoxyribonucleic, and Volta.

Pack updates

This month we also have some changes and additions to our collection of beatmap packs. A couple of packs have been moved and renamed as part of a new system to make featured artist packs more consistent going forward! Packs for artists will get their own artist packs, while packs for general themes or ideas that include multiple artists will be made into numbered "Mappers' Guild" packs.

The packs changed are as follows:

The High Tea and Culprate medals have been also updated accordingly, with anyone who unlocked them before still having the achievements under the new names.

New featured artist packs this month:

  • *namirin Pack: Compiling various *namirin maps ranked by the community.
  • LukHash Pack (osu!catch): Maps from the LukHash mini-pack quest where the party went above and beyond the quest's 4 map requirement.
  • Rin Pack: Includes maps of Rin songs from the From the Vault and Rin pack quests.
  • Mappers' Guild Pack IV: Maps from the High Tempo pack quest. Every mapset here is of a song over 200BPM.
  • The Flashbulb Pack (osu!, osu!taiko, osu!catch): Compiled from two quests focused on The Flashbulb's featured artist tracks, this pack features maps of The Flashbulb's music across osu!, osu!taiko, and osu!catch.

We will be working on adding more beatmap packs and new medals regularly, so be sure to keep an eye out for that!

Ranked map updates

This list includes all maps of featured artist tracks ranked since the previous newspost, even those mentioned previously in the quests section above. New to this round-up, we are including maps from outside the guild as well so that readers can keep up to date with all maps of songs by our featured artists!

Non-guild maps will be marked with an asterisk *.





The ranked catalogue of featured artist tracks is rapidly growing thanks to the enthusiasm of the community! We will be sure to keep these news posts up regularly so that everyone can keep up with all the activity for Mappers' Guild quests, new featured artist beatmap packs, medals, and all applicable ranked maps during each period. See you again next update!

—pishifat and Noffy


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