21 Mar 2019
osu!mania 7K World Cup 2019 Concludes
by mangomizer

osu!mania 7K World Cup 2019 Concludes

by mangomizer

Last weekend, the final keys were pressed, and the osu!mania 7K World Cup 2019 came to its grand conclusion. Read on to find out more!

86 players. 24 countries. 1 prize.

The past six weeks brought the greatest osu!mania 7K players centre-stage in a clash of skill, wit and tenacity. Riding off of the highly successful 2v2 format introduced last year and coupled with with stronger teams and a freshly minted mappool to match, this year’s World Cup was all set for a one-way course to success.

Without further ado, let's get to the results!

Team South Korea takes home the gold, defending their osu!mania 7K Champion title for the 3rd year in a row!

Led by veteran player Jakads for the 3rd year in a row, Team South Korea showed indomitable will and consistency throughout the tournament. Despite a minor setback in the Semifinals stage, they marched on to claim the championship title that they so rightfully deserve. A splendid performance was given—we expected no less.

Team South Korea will receive the grand prize: $150 per team member, profile badge, and the highly coveted "osu!mania Champion" user title for one year!

Team Philippines makes a surprising surge for silver, marking their first podium appearance since 2014.

After their amazing run in 2018, Team Philippines soared to even greater heights this year with new leadership in the form of Cielo Day. Backed by amazing performances not least from the likes of Entozer and - Kura -, Team Philippines was a worthy contender for 2nd place for sure.

Team Philippines will receive a prize of $80 per team member, and a osu!mania 7K World Cup profile badge to commemorate their success.

Team China walks away proudly with the bronze, matching their stellar performance from last year.

With an identical roster to last year (though with a minor change in leadership), Team Captain [Crz]Satori continues to uphold the high standards and ideals of their country. Their 3rd place victory was well deserved indeed.

Team China will receive a prize of $40 per team member, and a osu!mania 7K World Cup profile badge to commemorate their success.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the players for their excellent sportsmanship, and the tournament staff for their undying commitment to making things run smoothly. Finally, I'd also like to thank the viewers for showing their support for the teams and creating a truly wonderful environment for this competition.

The conclusion of this World Cup also comes with a few farewells from certain notable individuals.

First and foremost, HappyStick has announced his retirement from the World Cup management team. In one short year, his contributions to the official tournament scene have been groundbreaking, and quite frankly, simply too long to list out. He has set a precedent for future World Cups to come, and will be a shining beacon that we all aspire towards. He will be missed dearly.

Just as importantly, this conclusion of this tournament marks the start of a new chapter for global #1 player Jakads, having announced his retirement from the game in pursuit of future study at university. We wish him all the very best!

See you next time!



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