12 Jul 2019
Summer 2019 Fanart Contest
by Ephemeral

Summer 2019 Fanart Contest

by Ephemeral

Sizzling scores abound this summer, time to crank up the heat even more with our latest seasonal fan art contest! Wield your drawing implement of choice and draw any of the osu! mascots enjoying the summer sun for glory. And prizes!

Like drawing? Great, because we all love to see it! The artists among us willing to brave the heat of fierce competition now have 14 days from the time of this post to slap down their most spicy take on any summer-themed rendition of the official or community osu! mascots.

Seaside shenanigans, blistering barbeques, chilled-out camping - if it's summer, it's in, and all it needs is your creativity and a dash of osu! mascot to be in the running.

Every entry that qualifies as per the rules below will be put up for 7 days of voting as usual, and a selection of the top-scoring pieces will be chosen as the winners of the contest, and featuring as the Summer seasonal in-game backgrounds for 2019! Plus, their authors will receive 2 months of osu!supporter for their efforts.

Feeling up for it? Check out the rules below (even if you're a regular, some have changed!) and then dive on over to the contest listing page and submit your entry into the mix.

Make sure you read the rules carefully before entering. We've had a lot of otherwise really good entries end up excluded from the voting because of people not following instructions properly. It's sad for us and sad for you when this happens!


  • All entries MUST relate to SUMMER in some way. This means summer the season. Obvious is good, subtle is also fine, but make sure that it isn't too subtle. Remember what the contest is about!
  • All entries must be suitable for all-ages viewing. Upwards of a hundred thousand people or more may see your entry if it makes it to the main-menu, and possibly for several months at a time.
  • As above, if you're drawing swimsuits, please keep them modest! Bikinis and the like are fine, just try not to be too titillating. Try and remember also that each mascot does actually have established body sizes and proportions as per their design. You won't be disqualified for straying too far from the latter, but still!
  • Artists should use the custom templates provided (PSD template / PNG template) when composing their piece as a guideline to understand where the osu! cookie will be placed on the main menu and during the voting process. Anything inside the dotted circle will NOT be visible during voting phase, and will be heavily obscured by the main menu cookie if it makes it to the game client.
  • DO NOT LEAVE THE DOTTED osu! COOKIE TEMPLATE VISIBLE IN YOUR SUBMISSION! Please don't do this. It doesn't need to be there when you're done drawing, it just makes your work look worse.
  • ACCOUNT FOR THE DOTTED osu! COOKIE TEMPLATE IN THE COMPOSITION OF YOUR WORK! We've already said this, but anything inside the dotted circle will not be seen during voting phase and will be very difficult to see on the main menu. You still need to draw something there — don't just leave it blank, but be creative about it. Check out previous contest entries for inspiration!
  • Entries MUST meet the resolution requirements for a main-menu piece - namely 2732x1536. A script automatically discards entries that don't meet the resolution requirements, even if they're off by only a few pixels. Check your work and make sure your piece is exporting with the right dimensions!
  • SUBMIT ONLY YOUR OWN WORK! NO TRACING! NO REDRAWING! NO COMPOSITE WORKS! Brushes and other helpful assets are fine, but redrawing manga stills or tracing or any other really ugly and spurious artistic thing that everybody generally hates and involves flogging other people's work off as your own is flat out not allowed, and if we find out you're doing it... well, you don't want to find out what'll happen.
  • Don't use copyrighted characters from other intellectual properties. You can freely use any of the osu! mascots (pippi, Yuzu, Mocha, Maria) and any of the community mascots (Tama, Aiko, Taikonator, so on), but stay away from using direct representations of characters from other worlds or franchises in your work. Remember that the community mascots are also someone else's creation, so make sure to treat their work with the same respect that you'd treat yours.

Oh, and just in case you've forgotten, you can also consult this handy link for a quick overview of all the osu! official mascots and their current designs, plus many of the more popular community mascots.

So what are you waiting for? Take the plunge and head over to the Summer 2019 Fanart Contest listing and enter now!



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