Your regular dose of Project Loved is here! Check out the maps we've selected, and vote for whether or not you'd like to see them in the Loved category!
Welcome back to Project Loved! Every two weeks, we pick out a few beatmaps from each game mode that will get their shot at making it into the Loved category. From the maps we selected, you can now vote whether or not you want them to be Loved! Click on each map's header image in this post to be taken to its voting thread.
In case you don't read the end of this post, be sure to submit suggestions for beatmaps to be added to Loved using the Google form! All of the nominated beatmaps are chosen from submissions on this form, which you can view in the corresponding Google sheet.
For osu!mania, please use this Google form and this Google sheet instead.
osu! Loved candidates were chosen by -Roxas, BeasttrollMC, Bubbleman, DigitalHypno and waywern2012!
Thaehan - Doki-Doki by Piggey
written by BeasttrollMC
Those following Project Loved for a while now will easily recognize this song from a previous Loved map by BarkingMadDog. Although similar in song, this map by Piggy offers a much greater challenge to those willing to face it. Popularized by amazing scores from Mystia, Rafis, and many others, this is a spaced streaming test for those looking to prove themselves among the best, or a challenge to those looking to become one.
Shimotsuki Haruka - Youka to Yumeutsutsu by Yusomi and elchxyrlia
written by BeasttrollMC
Yusomi is no new face to Project Loved since she's had multiple maps featured in votings over the months. But what makes this mapset crazy is her collaboration with elchxyrlia, more commonly known as the creator for various "Arles" difficulties that have been massively popular amongst Project Loved. For this mapset, they've come together to each present their take on Shimotsuki Haruka's "Youka to Yumeutsutsu" to create a gameplay experience that is bound to push your limits. Good luck!
toby fox - Spider Dance (Dual Mix) by ChronoNig et al.
written by DigitalHypno
Do you like to dance? Dance your cursor to this full spread mapset of "Toby Fox - Spider Dance (Dual Mix)" hosted by ChronoNig. With various difficulties, this mapset was truly designed for enjoyment across all skill levels. If you're one for speedy aim maps, get a load of this!
sakuraburst - data corruption symphony by sammish
written by DigitalHypno
A fatal error has occurred. Attempting to reboot system. Please do not power off or unplug your machine... Thankfully, you won't have to worry about seeing that error when playing this map! What you can expect from this map, however, is an incredibly energetic technical map to fit with an incredibly energetic sakuraburst song, spiced up with creative 2B patterns for that uniquely immersive gameplay experience. Have you been looking for a new map to push your gimmicky combo-holding skills to their limits? Well, it's time for you to finally put those skills to the test. Give it your all!
LowFat x Onnyu - DAYBREAK FRONTLINE (Rap Arrange) by Anmiy
written by -Roxas
A pretty popular map with over 100 favorites, "DAYBREAK FRONTLINE" is a fast paced song and it's complemented by a fast paced map hitting 272 BPM if you are wanting to singletap it. With aim heavy patterns throughout the map, it is enjoyable no matter your play style if that's your type of map. The map does peak at 6.69 stars, making it not the easiest map to play, although if you are up to the challenge then of course go ahead!
Jin ft. Matsuyama Kouta (BYEE the ROUND) - Lost Time Memory by captin1, KantoKun and AnreFM
written by -Roxas
A map by captin1, "Lost Time Memory" is a blast from the past considering the map was from 2014, so its patterns maybe a little bit different from what the newer players are used to. You'll be glad to hear though that this mapset doesn't get crazy hard and it's suitable for anyone that plays the game, with the easiest difficulty being just 2 stars and ranging up to mid-5. Give it a shot!
lapix - Nexta by DTM9 Nowa, downpour and Nite
written by waywern2012
Next up we have a map from DTM9 Nowa. This 160 BPM map "Nexta" from Lapix is truly a challenging one. With many difficulties to choose from, they all have a different approach on the map. The theme of the map overall is simple: technical. With a wide variety of spaced jumpstreams, back-and-forth jumps and difficult patterns, especially on downpour's difficulty, it challenges every player that will play this map! Will you take it on? Come prove your technical abilities; it won't be easy!
Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - Chinurareta Shuren ni Fukeru Houmura by alkotras42
written by waywern2012
This is one of the lower-difficulty Imperial Circus Dead Decadence maps that are mapped, but don't let that fool you! This map is a well-made by alkotras42 and still packs in 6.33 stars with quite a bit of streams. The map is simple overall, but it is quite long, making it harder to pass with a full combo without missing a few notes here and there. Coming in at over 150 favourites, this map is truly loved by the community. Give it a go!
dj TAKA meets DJ YOSHITAKA - Elemental Creation by DoKito
written by Bubbleman
One of DoKito's infamous maps, Elemental Creation is an older style of map involving many of the winding streams that DoKo is known for, as well as some harsh jump patterns to break up the constant bombardment of flow aim. With two difficulties, one AR9 and one 10, you can pick whether you just want a challenge to mechanics or whether you want to push your reading to the limit, since the song is a pacy 212 BPM. Can you handle the streams? Try your luck!
uno (IOSYS) - #Fairy_dancing_in_lake by Necroluttah
written by Bubbleman
Dance your cursor around the screen on Necroluttah's take on #Fairy_dancing_in_lake, a 142 BPM map involving many different rhythms and patterns designed to seriously test your technical ability. Rhythm changes, harsh and smooth angles and a challenge to your reading if you decide to attempt the AR9 difficulty, this map will push even the highest calibre of players. If you think you can follow the spritely fairy's movements, why not give it a go?
osu!taiko Loved candidates were chosen by -[ ix Ishida xi ]-, -Kazu-, iceOC, jyake and nyanmi-1828!
fallen Shepherd ft. RabbiTon Strings - ENDYMION by [_Chichinya_] et al.
written by -Kazu-
Chichinya comes back again with another mapset featuring multiple difficulties across various game modes, this time for ENDYMION, one of the most signature DDR songs lately. With a classical feeling to it, constantly changing rhythms and holding high intensity sections, this has been one of the most gimmick-heavy sets out there, even despite not being really all about extreme SV usage or snap-tech, so if you're one of those Inner Oni-level players that are looking for new shinies into your collection, make sure to give this a try!
Sara - Natu iro Present Wo BPM180 Ni Shitemita by KitajimaYN et al.
written by jyake
This set comes with a few difficulties mapped with many different musical interpretations. Styles range from more basic like the two Oni difficulties, to more technical like the YOUTA GD. The patterns vary from streams to more unique ones; the set has all you could ask for!
Umeboshi Chazuke - Panic Popn Picnic by asuasu_yura and KitajimaYN
written by iceOC
In this happy pop song by Umeboshi Chazuke, there are two difficulties, both there to give players a challenge with 1/6 patterns. Even though they have high star ratings, they match the song splendidly and make it very fun to play.
nao - Towa naru Kizuna to Omoi no Kiseki by ll-oscar
written by nyanmi-1828
I bet may players have played this in multiplayer. Known for its difficulty and quality, The ll-taiko series joins this week's pick! The patterns may be simple, but the speed is what will challenge players. I'm sure many, including myself, once made it a goal to pass this. Now, we can do it!
osu!catch Loved candidates were chosen by Ascendance, Sartan, Tenshichan and Wesley! This week, all osu!catch beatmap descriptions were written by Tenshichan.
NekomataMaster - Chain of Pain by DakkyChan and ExGon
Chain of Pain is a map which has unfortunately not been uploaded for four years. Despite that, many people do know it as it was shared among players in the community. Now that it was finally uploaded, it is time to give this gem the attention it deserves. It is a collab between DakkyChan and ExGon, so if you are familiar with both of their mapping styles, then you know what to expect, although it is easier than the maps they usually create. The map has a great flow and utilizes interesting slider and stream patterns paired with some wiggles every now and then without making it feel overdone. It's a truly enjoyable experience which I think everyone should try!
Silent Spica - Anhedonia by alienflybot et al.
Anhedonia is a very clean mapset by alienflybot with a top diff of his own, and guest difficulties by Equim, Zirox, BoberOfDarkness and Ascendance, who collaborated on the Cup with alienflybot himself. Although the mapset is basically complete, it never made any noticeable progress going towards the ranked section. But given the popularity of the set and that it had been picked in a World Cup before, you can not really call it an unknown map. But what is it exactly that makes this map a blast to play? Let's talk about the top diff: the jewel of this mapset. It doesn't have any gimmicky patterns at all and is not particularly hard to play, yet it has something that fascinates you while playing; it utilizes a lot of clean stream patterns and snappy jumps which fit the music very well and create an amazing flow throughout the map. The key parts of the song are neatly emphasized, making this difficulty a great experience you should not miss out on.
osu!mania Loved candidates were chosen by Lenfried-, Pope Gadget, Shoegazer and Toaph Daddy!
Sharpnel Sounds - Cyber Induction by IcyWorld
Is there anything else that needs to be said about Cyber Induction? If osu!mania had a city, Cyber Induction would be, with no exaggeration, *the* iconic building downtown.
A chart that was made all the way back in 2011, Cyber Induction has gained popularity and even notoriety for being a staple chart for competitive gameplay since 2015. The chart is extremely straightforward; it is jumpstream-focused with no major difficulty spikes and miscellaneous strings attached. The chart's simplicity makes it an excellent gauge of jumpstream and JS stamina ability, distinctly better than most JS charts out there in that regard.
This mapset also comes with four other difficulties: four sped-up versions of the original Cyber Induction chart (1.1x to 1.4x rates), making it not only a more competitive mapset, but it makes the mapset far more accessible than what it already is with a single Cyber Induction chart.
Beltaine - Rockhill by Ryu Sei
Simplicity is the key to success for Rockhill, the next of our mania nominations. The staple of this chart comes from the use of single LNs to follow the violin, with some additional layering being compounded as the song continues, introducing heavier difficulty and tricky releases. This makes for a fun and dynamic experience, while not taking away the charm of it's initial simplicity. These facts have it a very sizable following, stacking with it's all approachable nature and allowing for an extreme amount of support, only aided by its use in the osu!mania World Cup 2017. All of this more than proves its worth for the Loved section.
A small chart for dump charting enthusiasts out there; Jole's dumps particularly stand out for their simple yet logical and effective layering and patterning choices. THE BOX, in our opinion, exemplifies Jole's charting idiosyncrasies in a very positive light.
So what makes THE BOX interesting? The chart itself contains a myriad of patterns; 1/6 jumpstreams, 1/8 streams of varying lengths, 1/6 3-note jacks, 1/4 chordjacks, and a few fast bursts, all neatly packed into a 2-minute chart. THE BOX is a very dynamic experience (which is great for the player), but what gives THE BOX its shine is how tactfully those patterns are used. While there are many types of patterns in the chart, the patterns, through techniques such as pitch relevance and tactful anchor/minijack usage, add on to the listening experience. The patterns feel like they're in the right place. The chart is not only exciting, but it is clean and wonderfully executed.
If you're into dump charts or just charts that test many rice-based skills, this chart is most definitely up your alley, and you should check it out.
yuikonnu - Uchouten Vivace by 17VA and Kawawa
Primarily known for its appearance in the osu!mania World Cup 2016, Uchouten Vivace is a mapset that features a delicious pairing of rice and noodle elements. Generally symmetrical at its core, each diff in the mapset presents rigid rice usages and increases in LN difficulty without being overbearing on the player. Ranging from a Normal to an Extra diff, this spread is definitely something for everyone to enjoy!
Mochikomame & AitsukiNakuru & Mameko - Marcia! ~Harukaze ni omoi wo nosete~ by LostCool
Making their first appearance in Project Loved, we have LostCool and his lolis! Don't let this song fool you as the song steadily gets harder and harder until your heart gives out (either from difficulty or cuteness)!
Despite being almost five minutes long, the chart really shows a good sense of proper difficulty progression and introduction of patterns. From simple LNs to shielding and then full inversions, this chart is sure to satisfy the craving of any LN hungry person out there. Some sections even get a helping from broken delays and jacks. Just make sure not to die from diabetes ;).
From everyone on the Project Loved team, we hope you enjoy this week's selection, and look forward to the next! The winning beatmaps will hit the Loved beatmap listing sometime next week and will be announced via @osugame on Twitter.
In addition to all of the Loved captains that choose the maps and write the descriptions, make sure to thank Ephemeral, Noffy, Toy and Zak for their miscellaneous help in managing Project Loved.
If you have any suggestions for beatmaps to be added to the Loved category, please submit them using the Google form! You can view the current submissions on the corresponding Google sheet.